Good Morning Saturday, 19th October 2024

Hey, Hey it’s Saturday so good morning morning to you all on this warm start to the weekend.

The predicted storrn yesterday was a bit of a fizzer, during the night I was woken by thunder but this morning discovered a measly 3mm in the rain gauge.

Have been making a single chock for my camper, somewhere on my travels I have lost one so am making a replacement. My camper has no brakes so if the ground is not absolutely level there is a chance it might move while I am in it. Gravity and all that.

Very simple, just three pieces of scrap wood, am painting it at the moment so it is on its back. As I say, simple, but works well.

Anyway, that has been my Saturday morning.

Enjoy the weekend…


Saturday is open house day viewing here,lots of properties for sale.At least one in every street we passed.It can get a bit fraught because the dog doesn’t like their flags.And why do some agents put their ugly mugs on the posters?None of them ever look trustworthy.


Good morning all, woke up to another dull, rainy day just like yesterday. Looks like our October Summer is over, it’s still quite warm though. I’m waiting to get my olives harvested but at this rate they’re all going to fall off, especially if it becomes windy. :cry: Keeping my fingers crossed.

Have a good Saturday everyone.


Good morning everyone.

Another Saturday another rainy day! It was absolutely pouring down at 8 o’clock when I let Annie dog into the garden. She made a quick dash out and back. It’s just steady rain now. The sky is brighter so I have hopes that it will clear soon. I want to visit the Village Hall this morning where they are holding a Plant and Craft Fair. It would be better to walk up there because the car park is very small and will fill up quickly, so I’m hoping the rain will soon abate.

I had lunch out with a friend yesterday and I really enjoyed it. We went to a small restaurant within a barn complex of different outlets. One of these was a ladies’ clothes shop that we decided to visit. However, when we entered we found that, although the clothes were really nice none had a price tag - so following the adage that if you have to ask the price you can’t afford it we left empty handed.

Have a good Saturday.


Good morning!
Cloudy, dull, and raining, but not too cold

My urine infection has reappeared, or perhaps it was never really cured in the first place -

I hadn’t been feeling too lively for a few days, then woke up about 03-00 on Wednesday morning and had a painful pee
I was determined to deal with it asap this time, so laid siege to my doctor’s surgery and got more tablets by Thursday morning
Now I think there has been an improvement, and I feel a bit better already, but I will, of course, finish the tablets

Other than that, nothing much to report; I’ll spend today with general pottering and keeping up with the tidying that I have finally completed.


Morning all – heavy rain overnight but bright sunshine now and promised for the rest of the day, with more rain tonight (of course!)

Hope you feel better soon zuludog

Had to cancel my dinner with neighbours last night – as the day progressed yesterday began to feel really unwell, temperature and feeling exhausted. Had an early night and feeling a little better this morning, although not 100% so doing very little.

Changed the bedding this morning – that wore me out! Will take advantage of the sunshine to get it dried but not sure when I will get around to ironing it (yes I iron sheets!) :astonished:

3 books being delivered today so that is something to look forward to :books:

Take care – hope everyone has a lovely day


Good morning - A grey showery day but I’ll be dodging one or two to get to the local mini supermarket along the road. My turn to do the looking-after as Mrs mart isn’t feeling too good.

@Bruce A good sturdy-looking set of steps there Bruce

@zuludog These types infection can certainly make a person feel bad generally and be a devil to find the right antibiotic. Having taken a number of my current course, there seemed to be a kind of lifting of a fuzzy veil yesterday evening and maybe normality is returning. I hope you too feel better soon.

@SheilaP There seems to be a lot of this sort of thing going around. I hope you aren’t dragged down for too long by it.

Wishing everyone has the the best possible day in view of circumstances. :slight_smile:


Good Morning Everyone… :mini:
I only had time to read the good morning thread yesterday but not enough time to write anything…I was going for a hearing test at 12:00am and they moved it forward to 10:45am so in order to do my walk, have a shower and my breakfast it was a bit of a rush…
It turns out I can’t hear some top end frequencies, probably down to industry and age, and I was prescribed some hearing aids that cost quite a bit…(don’t ask… :astonished:) anyway, I tried them out and could hear Mrs Fox clearly from three rooms away…I don’t know if that’s a good thing… :017:
I’ve been very lucky this week, I’ve walked in some glorious weather, and the times when it chucked it down was on a rest day. So today we did the Tesco shop in some appalling weather but Saturday (as you probably know by now) is a rest day…
Pie and pea supper tonight at the church hall, so quite a knees up… :mini: :mini: :mini:
Local gossip coming your way tomorrow…