Good Morning Saturday 16th September 2023

Morning all!

Still feeling slightly off kilter. Watched a bunch of tv and spent a bunch of time on an app that helped me feel better.

Been sleeping a bunch but it’s not helping enough.

It’s another Saturday waiting to see if my neighbor will blare his noise. May chat with someone if my schedule works out.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning!
Dry & reasonably sunny

I feel a bit better than yesterday, but still a bit cold
I have food in, so today I’ll just potter & read

I had an eye test last week, and I need new lenses in my everyday/distance glasses
I have about 5 or 6 pairs, including some with the last set of lenses
So today I’ll get them all together, Man, and decide which to change and which to hand back for re-use/recycling
Then I’ll probably go to the opticians on Monday

At the moment Specsavers have a 2 for 1 offer, so as they pointed out at my test, it might be cheaper to just buy new glasses rather than changing the lenses
We shall see.

Good morning all .
Autumn is upon us , and rain forecast for the week , Ive got a nice comfy Chair in the Green house , so I can go and read a book in there if i feel the need .

I had an email regarding Christmas shopping , I think they are trying to flog last years Chocolate , I will give that a miss .

Next month is Goose Fair in Nottingham . , where all the fair rides come together to form the biggest fair in England . Ive not been for decades .

To the poorly ones , you will get through feeling like crap, and will appreciate being able again , remember the ones that dont get through and are in a permanant state of never getting better .
I always think theres someone worse off than myself .

Have a nice day all .

Afternoon all.

Still resting. In the garden but it’s a bit chilly.

Throat still sore.

Glad your feeling well enough to be outside @Jazzi , Ive been thinking last time I had a sore throat as bad as yours it was Tonsillitis and that was back in my Teens , 17,.I wouldnt wish it on anyone .

Thanks. I will see how I go next week, whether to bother the surgery.

My allotment friend called last night and told me her sister had the virus for three weeks.

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