Good morning!
It’s just coming light here - clear, not much cloud, dry, no frost
I’m going shopping soon, then think about what to do next
There’s tidying to do but nothing that won’t keep, so I’ll probably do my Christmas cards
I meant to do them earlier but at least they’ll be done and on their way
Slept better last night. Holly went to bed early and wouldn’t move for garden or outside, so I went to bed too, about 9.15. Woke up at 5.30! What? That hasn’t happened for years!!! A comfort break then I fell back asleep till 8.30 ish. Nice.
Been out with the dog, bless her, she waited patiently, had breakfast and thinking what to do. I might take the car, park by the main road, and catch a bus to Gt Yarmouth, been awhile since I visited the sweet shop in the market for my favourites. Won’t hang about but hope to get back soonish. I’m sure the dog will be ok, it’s me who worries.
Good Morning/Afternoon from Foxy’s world…
Been a bit rushed this week so I’ve not had time to look in…
Walking/jogging has taken place as usual but then I have been running folk about in the motor, putting up decorations and lights, overseeing daughters outside lights or going out for Christmas lunch…
A sort of rest day today so no walk/jog but…New flag to erect on the flag pole (the old one is in tatters after the strong winds last week) Tyres to pump up (I keep getting a message on the dashboard telling me low pressure in at least one tyre) and depending on daylight or time, some lights to put on the hollybush…
Oh!..and I cycled out to look at the floods…
I keep getting my days wrong here. I always think tomorrow is today. All day Friday, to me was Saturday. Then Saturday arrived and it felt like Sunday. Reckon I’m feeling my age.
My sister lost, or mislaid, her house keys Friday. She went to work yesterday, Sainsbury’s, parked up where she was the day before and found her keys on the ground. Phoned to let me know, started walking towards the store and said to me ‘oh, left my phone in the car, gotta go back’ and rang off. I started texting, as I heard the mistake, she rang me back and asked ‘did you just hear what I said?’ I replied that I had! Well, she is nearly 70,