Good fine Florida morning!
It’s nice to read that you have made your way to this morning thread, Pimmy. Welcome!
That is a bit of an exaggeration with the skies gray, but it’s warm enough that running was a pleasure and all the windows are all flung open. Well, not exactly flung at my age, but you get the idea 
@Sheila, I don’t know about you, but I think my house needs its own full-time doctor for diagnostics, treatment, minor procedures, and at times, full-blown surgeries. In the 18th century, it was not uncommon for ministers to also be doctors. I’ve always thought that doctors should double-train as car mechanics, but these days, I think a combination of physician-house contractor might not be a bad idea:. “Here are some antibiotics for your sinus infection, and I replaced the wax ring on the toilet while I was at it.”` 
@Swimmy, do you still see your Polish friends, who were like family?
@OGF, isn’t it funny how rest days are anything but? I feel compelled to do all the driving errands, wrestle with the finances, and clean out drawers that turn into painting kitchens on days like this…
@Bruce, I think that you suffer from the “Let’s-just-go-a-little-farther-and-see-what’s-around-the-corner” that inflicts so many of us
. It’s outstanding that you have seen so much of your home country, and you have outfitted yourself so well to keep going. We all look forward to your travels and photos.
I started thinking about the few states that I haven’t visited in the U.S. The Dakotas are wide-open prairies and farmland, but Montana is home of the incredible Glacier National Park, that I surely hope to visit. After all, who could resist a byway that has the name “Going to the Sun Road”?
Surely, a missing verse from the Bible is, “Blessed are the sanders, for they shall inherit the detailed perfection of heaven and Earth.” Besides another day on my belly or stretched to ceilings that I cannot reach to scrub, it’s another day of filling and sanding the countless tiny little imperfections that come with a house where people actually live. Those who patiently fill, sand, run hands across, and then perfect walls, furniture, marble sculptures, house exteriors, cars…are the most admirably attentive people on the planet.
And with that, I have a date with sandpaper and Steely Dan coming through the speakers
Have a fine day!