Good Morning Saturday 13th July 2024

Good morning all you fine folk on this overcast but dry winter weekend.

Fitted the sail track to my camper yesterday arvo. Quite pleased with the way the project is going so far.

My daughter and my youngest son arrived this morning from Canberra and Sydney respectively, they have some holiday business to plan with their cousins while I look after the dog. We are going to the club this evening for dinner.

It is nice to have visitors.

Hope your weekend started off well, have a good one…


Good morning @Bruce and all forumers, it’s 6.00am and lovely and cool at the moment, before the big heat later, so I’ve opened all the windows, letting some fresh, cool air in.
May venture out to the shops this morning, but not too late as it will be too hot. Even though I use the air-conditioning in the car, it’s still a torture when you get back into your car after leaving it outside in a store car-park under the scorching sun! Why don’t they plant more trees near these open car-parks, for some shade?

Have a nice day with your sun and daughter Bruce.

Sending sunshine for the weekend, to everyone. :sunny: :sunglasses:


haha nice wordplay, :laughing:

Another grey day on the cards here, mustn’t complain, at least it’s dry.


Good morning all!
I was up with the lark as usual so had a couple of cups of freshly ground coffee from the French press to perk me up. Just ordered a couple of horse hair boot brushes from Amazon for my new footwear and done a little window shopping on the Evans website for a mountain bike.

It’ll be a day in today, housework etc to catch up on . I took my son for a drink in a rather nice pub yesterday in a neighbouring town, I’m sure we’ll be going back… not today though :wink:

Enjoy your day people!
Don’t forget to get yer beers in for tomorrow! ,:beers::england:


daily walk done even though I didn’t feel like doing it. Still managed to stop and chat the a lot of people, mostly who were doing front garden tidying up. Sun decided to hide behind a cloud base but still hot .


Good morning - Cloudy but not too dull. A lazy day. We usually get visited at weekends, so it might get quite noisy here for a few hours.


Good morning everyone!
I have just returned from taking the dog for her walk - she is 10 years old so we go at a leisurely pace which suits us both nicely.
Thank you for sending some sunshine @Rose2 it is just beginning to peek through the clouds, hopefully it will bring with it some of the heat you are experiencing - not too much mind!
When you said you were going to fix a sail to your camper yesterday @Bruce my imagination worked overtime as to what that meant, thank you for clarifying with a photo. Also, thanks for the information about Bunnings, I definitely would like a wander around that store! We have a local Homebase which is closing down at the end of the month and rumour has it that the site will be divided between a M&S food outlet and Wickes, so we shall see what transpires.
My goodness those boots are something else @Chilliboot - they are magnificent. I’m not sure that I would be able to lift my feet to walk in them though!
Some more gardening beckons later today - the cricket is finished due to a mediocre performance by WI - or maybe the brilliant performance by England … it was sad to see James Anderson’s departure from the game after 21 years, I doubt we’ll see his like again.
Happy Saturday!


must get one to polish my wellies



Rest day today, but got up too early to do the Tesco shop (Mrs Fox likes to be away for 7:30 am) So I stuck in a swift 2 miler around the village.
Only 14 degrees C outside and now I’ve cooled off from the walk I’ve had to put some trousers on… :flushed:
Must be Global cooling… :crazy_face:
Anyway, can’t sit here all day, It’s garden centre time for lunch…Catch yer later…


Almost mid day! Went down a few doors down to fatter the greenhouse for our neighbour. Walked the wee dog.



Sitting around Saturday, nothing to do
should I take a walk or visit the zoo.
Find the number of a really old friend
call them up, find out how they’ve been.
Mow the lawn, weed the garden
let it grow – dear neighbors, beg my pardon.
Wash the car, wax the old girl
throw clothes in the dryer, give them a twirl.
Sweep the floors, pick up the dust
clean the grill, remove the rust.
The options are clear – the work must be done
but I really want to be out on the run.
Meet new friends, visit new places
the thought of it all – my blood races.
Life’s too short to worry and fret
try new things for the joy you’ll get.
Don’t sit around Saturday with chores to do
or housework surely will make you blue.

Poetry & Art by Patricia Walter 2000 ©

Have a great Saturday everyone !


Can I bring wine instead? :wine_glass: Even after spending twentysix years in the UK I just haven’t developed a taste for beer :grin:
My hopes are now for England, after the Italian disaster :scream:


You most certainly can, would it be cheeky of me to ask for some of those delicious Italian olives too ?:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes, sure, these are our own, from last year’s “no harvest”. No olive oil production but I managed to pick a couple of kilos, my mum preserved them in brine, after six/eight months, ready to eat. :grinning:


Oh superb!
They look delicious, home grown too!! :drooling_face:


Yes, I like a Pino Grigio also. And I quite like a Cider - a Scrumpy Jack.


Thank you.


Oh, I didn’t realise I’d made a spelling mistake, funny how it came out as a wordplay. :laughing:


I am late to the party this morning, while the rest of you have already accomplished remarkable and interesting things looking snazzy - with an outing or two squeezed in between.

The run is behind me (ha, aren’t they all), the dogs are bathed and now sunning on the deck, and it’s otherwise a quiet Saturday. There is a nice little groundswell, so my daughter and I are going to paddle out for a quick surf session before she dives back into the books.

Have a relaxing day and evening and pass the olives!


Nice work on the sail track. I am every impressed having no skills in that area - at all.

I am sure you are enjoying you visit with your kids… and I hope that you and your dog had a nice dinner at the club. I could never take my lot; they have terrible table manners and never used napkins.