Good morning Saturday 13 November

Morning all. I do dislike trying to create a new thread on the iPad! Just saying.

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This morning going to a coffee morning at the house of the co host, for about an hour, then will go on to the retail park, where I had thought of going yesterday.

Been raining here, by the looks of it.

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Know how you feel. :roll_eyes: good morning to all who venture in. Bit overcast here in the Weald but may clear up later. Not much on today so time for the monthly shed clear out, Iā€™m sure someone sneaks in and rummages around and puts nothing away. :wink:
Have a good day. :+1:

The text window shrinks to about half a line when trying to write in it, which is why I added another post.

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Morning all, dull and grey start again here today :frowning_face:. Nothing much planned, so will just see where the day takes me.

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

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Morning all, have been up since about 3am this morning with the Cat being Sick and Pooing everywhere in the bedroom, had to clean up all the mess and look after her, she is ok now and gone back to sleep, but now iā€™m very tired.

Have been out at 7.45am this morning to do our weekly shopping, back home now for the rest of the day.

Have a nice day all.


Good morning everybody :slight_smile: Enjoy your weekend!



Good morning everybody! Been up for a while, but just had breakfast. Its nice outside but quite chillyā€¦time for a woolly hat, methinks. Going out with the dog, then nothing planned really. Just pottering. Have a lovely day everyone :wave:

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Ug! Iā€™m in a slow mode this morning and cant shake the blighter off. The gloom and rain are not helping either, so Iā€™m giving myself a wide berth LOL

Good morning folks and I sincerely hope everyone is in a better frame of mind than me, coz it sure aint pretty :wink: :wave:

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I have to agree @Jazzi , itā€™s not easy on a tablet!

Morning all, milder here so the garden calls for some tidying up which I will do this morning before trying a new teacake recipe this afternoon, wish me luckā€¦ lol

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

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Good morning from ā€˜out in the rural sticksā€™ to you all. :039:

Chilly again this morning but without that previous bitterly cold wind. Outbreaks of light rain and drizzle this afternoon are forecast. Maximum temperature13ĀŗC.

No going out today so it will be whatever tasks need doing. That is, after breakfast of course, the most important meal of the day.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

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Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: mild and breezy so I am washing the sheets and hope to get them dry.

I should have been meeting my son and the little twins for a walk but after a bad week am having a quiet day.
I am going to make some more socks for Chloe out of a sweat shirt to wear indoors and inside her boot for walks She goes back to the vet on Monday, I think she is going to need her back pad protected indefinitely.
Enjoy your day.


Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: mild and sunny here.

Nothing planned for the day, just the usual chores.

Enjoy your day folks.

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@Meg thatā€™s a shame about Chloe. And may be difficult long term.

We got our booster shots today. Although we had appointments we still had to wait in line for about 15 mins before we went in. I pity the poor sods who turned up ā€œon specā€, their queue was around the vaccination centre and moving very, very slowly!