Good Morning Saturday 11th September

Sex on legs - that’s who!

Seriously - a rather talented ( and gorgeous) TV/Film actor


Early career found him sporting a silly perm in a series named ‘The Professionals’.
More recently known for ‘Judge John Deed’ and Inspector George Gently’

Has made several films - including ‘Rhodes’ about the founding of Rhodesia, ‘Ladder of Swords’ and ‘Macbeth’.


Good Morning its just after 12.00 again…Lunch for me…then putting up our G5RV Wire Antenna for speaking around the World on 40 and 80 Metres…
Weather is ideal part Cloud part Sun no Wind at all Today. The recently Storms have blown away…Was very bad South of here in Agen …floods of up to 3 metres high…Enjoy your weekend…

I see the attraction ST


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Just realised from the thread title that today is 20 years since 9/11.


I have not, I remember it vividly.

Years ago we had a very basic contact service, I was out and first saw it on the TV in the office.

Then the call outs started, we went into event mode.

A colleague in our open plan office shouted out when he saw the report of the plane going into the first building on the news on his computer. But I didn’t realise quite the impact until walking past a shop on the way to the station. A cluster of people were crowded around the shopfront watching multiple tv sets showing the crash over and over on the news. Someone in our New York office lost her partner.

Sad Saturday here.

I went to the cemetery, to make some preps for our funeral, next week,.

There was a Lady, at a new grave, nearby, who was working away to put some flowers in and on the new grave. This was, almost, next to the plot which my Daughter In Law will be buried in, on Wednesday.

She was crying and I felt embarrassed for being in her “space” .

I apologised and went to move on, but she noticed me, and stood up to chat.

Sadly, she had a speech impediment, I would guess, from a stroke, so I struggled to understand what she was saying.

However, if I understand correctly, the guy she loved had a heart attack and had a “delayed” response, from the system.

I felt even worse, because I was not getting all that she was saying (I’m somewhat low on hearing capability) - but she kept talking because, clearly, it was helping her.

A timely reminder that life is, currently tough for quite a lot of people.

It made me think!

There’s plenty worse off than us, on this planet!


@Tedc …that doesn’t matter Ted , you were there and listened and that must have been a comfort to the lady.

What a sad task for you too…(hugs) :icon_sad:


@Barry thanks Barry, we have only just been allowed back in the waiting room this week it is usually 40min standing on the car park these days…

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@Maree me too Maree and I didn’t get a sticker :icon_sad:

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Hi Mups :slightly_smiling_face: I told the nurse I wanted to go with her to see the wound and was told '‘Owners are not allowed downstairs into the operating areas’

We have only just been allowed back into the waiting room this week, before that we were supposed to ring the bell to announce our arrival then wait in the car but the car park is small and a difficult place in which to manoeuvre so I usually have to park miles away or stand and wait in the car park.
Had it not been tippling down like a monsoon I would have waited outside.

The things we do for our dogs … :slightly_smiling_face:

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I might wear him out ST.

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Well, no sticker but they were so efficient. In the front door, they take you name and tell you where to go, get to the room and they direct you to a seat. Then the jabber asks your name, have you had a jab before with no ill effects, are you feeling well. Then jab! And they direct you out the back door! It literally took 4 and a half minutes from start to finish :+1:


@Maree Result then… :+1: :blush:

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I’d happily give him the ‘kiss of life’ Susie! Now look what you’ve done - need another cold shower!

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Thanks, Meg!

Getting Hot Flushes now are we ST?


@Mags I am sorry to hear you will soon be hugging your daughter. Did your granddaughter enjoy her cake?

@Meg when you go back ask them to take photo’s of Chloe’s foot/wound so you can see and keep a record. That is a reasonable request. They can then email it to you.

@Tedc Hugs hard times for all I find cemeteries seem to let down walls/barriers as if you are there a good chance you are feeling the same.

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Watching last night of the proms. Just waiting for the kick off.