Good Morning Saturday, 10th February 2024

Good morning dragoneers, a very happy New Year to all our Chinese members, as for the rest of you…

Whoooppeee - it’s the weekend!

I looked out my window this morning to see my weeds alight.


Took my doggie visitor for a walk at about 7am, it was blue sky from horizon to horizon, when we returned about an hour later it was completely overcast and grey. Thank goodness it didn’t actually rain because this dog hates getting wet and looks at me accusingly as if the rain is entirely my fault.

By mid morning I was alone again and the dog returning to Sydney, so tomorrow’s walk will be just me with my plastic bag picking up rubbish. :cry:

Well, that’s it from me, have a good one…

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7am is still dark time here in the UK, look forward when i can have a wander round the garden at 7am

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Good Morning Bruce and Macy… :+1:
And all the late comers…Wakey! Wakey! We’re burning daylight as John Wayne used to say… :cowboy_hat_face:
Rest day today but still had an early visit to Tesco in anticipation for the forthcoming visit from the family. Bit of a problem really because we only have seating for four in the lounge, but there are five of us for tea tonight…I get sat down early before they come so I am assured of a good seat…No doubt Mrs Fox will rob a chair from the kitchen…A bit too ‘sit up and beg’ type seat for my liking…
A quick shower now and then go off to find a suitable garden centre for lunch. There’s plenty of choice around here…

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Morning everyone. Started the day with my weekend treat of an English breakfast then changed and washed bedding (there has to be an easier way of changing a duvet cover!!) following that exertion I am sitting with a well deserved cup of coffee - before starting one of my least favourite jobs, cleaning the shower!

Hope you all have a much more enjoyable day than I will!


Never mind the duvet cover Sheila, try turning the mattress on yer own…