Good Morning Monday 8th January 2024

Morning all!

Another wonderfully quiet day, this time with sun streaming through the window. I slept for 9 hours, part of that with sun shining on me from the window. It was nice. I could get used to this.

Had another peaceful day starting with morning pages then some relaxation stuff.

I’ve been working on my online grocery list, hoping to streamline the process of ordering.

Today I have no plans other than opening a bunch of stuff from my last grocery order and having a self care day.

Have a good day everyone.


Meeting Susie at our local library this morning, just for an hour. She would like to visit the health and well being set up there. I would like to buy some milk when out, so ideal.

When I get home will cook another roast meal, for lunch, same as yesterday (gammon steak with pineapple and cheese). Very very tasty.

Then a lazy afternoon.

Still waiting for my replacement laptop.

I am not happy with Amazon

Using a phone isn’t easy

Morning all!

It’s snowing :snowman_with_snow:
Time for a Bovril with a sprinkling of white pepper.

Enjoy your day people :+1: