Welcome to a slightly overcast Monday, though the temperature isn’t too bad, supposed to get up to 19° later.
Went for my usual Monday Coffee and Cake with friends earlier before a quick trip to the mall for a few groceries.
Found that the new AGM battery for my car aus system had been delivered, it was on my verandah upside down - that actually doesn’t matter though I would preferred it the right way up. I
t is very heavy, with a struggle I got it out of the box onto a thing with wheels so I could wheel it into a spare room to charge it up with my new charger using the AGM/Gel setting.
Will have to wait until a son visits before I can get the battery into my car, it is far too heavy for me, plus the old one has to be removed.
Got all the outside grass and edges done yesterday, might get the back garden grass done today though there is no rush and I still haven’t completely erased the tyre tracks in the lawn.
Some of you are doubtless back to work today but I hope all is well with you.
Morning all – light rain overnight and this morning, much cooler with top temperature forecast to be 23c
The rain is my fault! I sprayed the paving with weed killer to tackle the triffids attempting to take over so of course we had rain!
Coffee and cake with friends is always enjoyable Bruce
Yesterday neighbours invited me in for coffee and cake, they have both been unwell so I haven’t been able to see them for a week. While I was there part of their gazebo suddenly collapsed – no I didn’t lean on it! We had a long discussion about what to do about it, now I am no expert but seeing how rotten the wood is my suggestion was to take it down and start again! Neighbour not keen on that so was working out how he could support what was remaining. I left as he was suggesting his wife stand underneath holding it up while he hammered bits of wood onto it! I am wondering how much he has her insured for!
Actually tackled the ironing which I have been ignoring for a week – well I was running out of things to wear!
A visit to the shops is called for today in order to avert the disaster of running out of coffee
Tis Monday, tis Monday, a jolly good Monday to you…(gotta be the drugs)
" No matter how bad things are, you can at least be happy that you woke up this morning.”
I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day.
You never know when it’s going to be over, so I refuse to have a bad day.”
Seen GP this morning, the new blood pressure meds are better that the old, so I will continue on the new. And from now on will get 3 months supply of everything instead of two.
Mrs d & I went looking for some nice grapes to go in the morning porridge, but weren’t lucky. The man by the tube is normally good but not on a Monday. Mrs d00d is a great believer in fresh fruit, we eat masses.
A pleasant day weatherwise - warm with a breeze, just right for walking and drying washing; both of which have been done here this morning.
I’ve just returned from a trip to a local shopping centre to buy a Waterstones gift card for my grandson’s birthday. Now I couldn’t go into a bookshop without buying a couple of books for myself could I? Especially as they were selling buy one get the second half price - it would have been rude not to take up their offer. I gave a largish pile of books that I had read to a charity shop last week so there is space now to be filled.
Some gardening this afternoon I think, unless something else comes along more interesting. That’s the joy of retirement isn’t it? Having whole days stretching in front of us with so many possibilities with which to fill them.
“Blind Sided” !!.
Appointment made to measure and quote New Widow Blinds.
Since it was Hilary visiting. Woke early. Scrubbed Up, Splashed BRUT all over.
Waited in Breathless Anticipation. >> Bang Crash Walloped.>> No Show. >> [Crying] All the way 2 the Thunder Box.
Good to read everyone is all charged up, literally and figuratively, and ready to make a fine day of it.
It is a blissful morning here in FL, with clear blue skies and the first breeze we have had in a week, thanks to Hurricane Debby. She is turning right away from us, so we won’t get the beneficial rain, but it made for fabulous conditions to run a solid five miles with nary a giant reptile in sight!
I am steeling myself for a battle over the quartzite crack that I showed (bored) you all with a few days ago . I know they are going try to do a repair on it without a proper replacement. This morning, I overrode the contractor to stop the tile backslash from being installed today until that countertop issue resolved. I gave everyone plenty of gentle guidance and patience to come to the obvious solution, but they didn’t. Meanwhile, the contractor isn’t here (probably off having a double-mocha-latte-half fat-hold-the-whipped- cream,-and-extra- hot ), so I had to make the call. Thankfully, DH will be home after a couple of weeks away and he can run with the problem .
I think I’ll just retreat to the far corner of the house with the dogs and do some oil painting.
Aren’t you up on the latest trends! Widow blinds to keep widows from peeking in at you?
I wonder if our Lowe’s store has the masculine version, to keep widowers from sneaking peeks at night? I’ll have to check on that, although if I got a few takers, it might encourage a lunch date or two.
>> I’m not that fussed about Peeping Toms. I charge them a 1/- [Ten ‘Scents’] A Looksee.
BUT. If Our Ten Mins of Sunshine, through an Unblinded window.
Messed up TV Olympic Swimming or the amazing Simone Biles Gymnastics.
I would Go Commando. And charge a quid £1.
Subject to a $ discount for a special viewer.
Notta million miles from The Hudson. :>> innocent:
Hypothetically speaking…
Only 10 scents a look, ten minutes, if viewing during Olympics a quid.
Sounds like a "perfect 10 " to me! And the reward would be something to cross off my bucket list…I never tried a peeping Tomette episode. There is still time, ya know.