Good Morning Monday 3rd June 2024

Good Morning and welcome to World Bicycle Day.

If you live in the Torres Strait it’s a public holiday for Mabo Day (when Terra Nullius was declared invalid). Actually it probably should be for all of Australia to replace the King’s Birthday next Monday (NSW only)

Uploaded the final instalment of my travel blog early this morning then did two loads of laundry and hung them on the line, nearly ran out of pegs, my new washing machine is a ripper.

Anyway then I was back to my usual Monday get together with friends and afterwards drove to the servo to fill up with fuel.

I hope you have something a bit more exciting than laundry this morning?


Morning all – sunny start to the day but seems to be clouding over, hopefully that is only temporary!

Had a very enjoyable time meeting up with all the in-laws yesterday afternoon – although I had forgotten how mad they all are when they get together, I was exhausted by the time I got home!

Realised this morning I had forgotten to print off and post a letter to Mum (hello early onset dementia!), will get it posted today, although I hope the experience will be better than last time. We don’t have a post office locally so I have to use a sub-post office around 15 minutes drive away, there was a long queue and the staff were taking 10 minutes to serve each person – I was rapidly losing the will to live!

Take care – have a great day everyone

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Good morning/afternoon all :slight_smile: Enjoy your day everyone :slight_smile:


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Afternoon everybody. I had a list of things to do, and managed only two of them , :roll_eyes: One was an online food shopping order, and the other was admin for work. The sun is out and its warm, so…further pottering will resume :sun_with_face:

I had another visit to the Doncaster Hospital - it to draw my blood. Done quickly and back home. The Doctor will do the checks later in the week. We’ll see…