Good Morning Monday 3rd April 2023

Morning all!

Yesterday went just like the day before. :sunglasses::slightly_smiling_face: Talked on the phone. Alternating sun and clouds but more clouds yesterday. Caught up with The Voice.

Today is a wait and see.

Have a good day everyone.

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Hello good & morning all :wave:
First week in April holds lots of bitter sweet memories for me .
2nd being my mums birthday , today the 3rd would of been my wedding anniversary, 6th my dads birthday and the 8th I became a widow , I am still unable to say the D word .

Shall raise a glass to my memories later today…
But first I’m going for long walk to blow away the cobwebs with my sister & dog … we are bound to have cake and coffee somewhere en route.

Weather looks promising.

Enjoy your day xxx


Morning all.

I have an appt this morning to collect both my new spex. Do hope they are in. Other than that, not sure.

Hugs to you, Ripple. :hugs:

Wishing you a nice week. :slightly_smiling_face:


Morning all.

Beautiful sunny morning here.

I raise a glass to you Ripple and hugs are on there way to you. :hugs:

Have a nice day all.


Good morning all, a beautiful sunny morning here!

I thought it was my birthday again, March 3rd …… oops! :grinning:

We are going to the Garden Centre today to get a few plants and some compost and start working on the garden at last.

Enjoy your day folks! :grinning:

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I’m thinking of you @Ripple, your strength will get you through such a difficult month.

Sending hugs to you. x


Good morning everybody.

It’s a lovely bright morning here.

I think we might do a bit of pottering in the garden today.

Thinking of you Ripple.

Have a good day all…


Good Morning everyone,

It’s a lovely day here, I’m going to plant out some wild garlic my friend gave me

Hope you’re specs are in @Jazzi, I love getting new ones, crystal clear and scratch free!

@Ripple I am very sorry for your troubles. I know grief does come back and bite you on anniversaries especially. Be gentle on yourself xxx


Morning all! We had a chat to our elderly neighbour then we strolled up to the convenience store and met a few more neighbours and dogs on the way. Lovely sunshine but cold at 4C.

Spex are no good! Having a retest in two weeks. They did another short test and reckon they have gone up even after a week. Can’t see much with the new ones. And I had to go back to have the LD ones tightened and rejoin the long queue. So busy in there this morning. Wasted almost all my 2 hour parking session.

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Oh what a pain! And you were looking forward to having them, I am sorry :frowning: It seems a bit odd your eyes would change in that short a time

I agree. Even the sales assistant thought that. This is the one when you look through the hole at a hot air balloon and the machine reads it.

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Well, it seems a bit strange, I’m wondering if they got it wrong the first time?

Ah, poor you. I suppose I got lucky - I had cataracts but got new lenses so my vision is excellent.

Spring is indeed here… nettle soup and as ever wild garlic!

lol just changed the title of the thread from March to April. It said March all day yesterday.

I’ll just pretend it was a late April Fool’s day joke. :upside_down_face:

I just realized my error when I put up the thread for today and almost did March again.