Good Morning Monday 25/7/2022

Strange business I do recall the police in the UK asking for insurance but here the required insurance is part of your rego. So all the police care about is your licence which you are required to carry with you when driving, you’re in big trouble if you can’t produce it - these days it is on your phone too.

Rego papers I keep at home, the police have it on their computer and their number plate recognition software warns of any unregistered cars.

It was so long ago Bruce, maybe it was my licence they asked for, not sure now.
I don’t carry that about with me either, though. You don’t legally have to here.
See this:

" Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to legally carry your driving licence with you when you are driving. However, it is strongly recommended.
A Police Officer can ask to see your licence at any time and if you do not produce it immediately, then you will have to produce it at a Police Station within 7 days."

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