@swimfeeders - You have to be fit to survive in hospital - especialy nights and weekends. How’s the escape tunnel doing?
Good Morning/Afternoon everyone.
Should be cooler here today. We have been promised some rain and there’s a 22% chance of thunder.
I will be in the Craft Room - shortening a necklace for a friend and playing with my new dies - they are designed to make a table decoration - but - while I was working with them yesterday I thought of something else they might do - not sure if it will work but will have a go!
We had an outbreak of black helicopters here earlier on - not sure what that was all about.
Have a fun day!
Good morning all, the sun is just coming out here.
Off into Town this morning.
Hope they discharge you soon Swimmers.
Have a nice day all.
Cool but sunny.
Got my bedding washed then wandered over to the supermarket to buy milk and other groceries
Dismantled an old sofa ready to take to the dump.
Another exciting day
Enjoy yours
Good morning everybody.
Housework is beckoning & I’ll probably go a walk round the park with Tony.
Hope you get your discharge soon swimmy.
Have a good day all…
Good morning all!
On my third coffee.
I bought a French Press a couple of days ago from Amazon.
I’ve used the glass ones way back when but this one’s double walled steel , a big improvement!
Housework to do, a couple of emails to send and it’ll be time for a spot of blackberry picking, that crumble doesn’t make itself
Enjoy your day folks
Morning all.
No plans for today. Tescos can wait a couple of days…
Aft’noon Monday.
Been doing some washing, and dead-heading lots of plants.
I’ve got a poorly doggy here, so the vet has booked her in this afternoon.
She is really worrying me now, she’s so withdrawn and lethargic, and I can’t get her to touch any food.
Oh no, hope they will be okay. Sending get well wishes. X
Hope your Vet gets doggy better soon Mups.
Poor little Gertie - I hope they can help her.
Thank you for your good wishes Jazzi, Susie, Morti and Tabs. And Yes Tabby, it is Gertie again, with her poorly tummy.
Won’t go into it too much on the Good Morning thread, but she keeps getting stomach pains, it’s been going on and off for months now. Gertie can’t handle even the slightest bit of pain, and immediately takes to her bed and calls her servant to attend!
Ideally, she would like to be held and cuddled all day long, until she feels better. Cuddles always put her little world right.
I have never in my life had a drama queen like her, but because she is like that, it makes it very difficult to judge just how much genuine pain she really is in.
She’s had a camera down her throat a while back, because they suspected stomach ulcers at one point, but couldn’t see anything much wrong, just a little inflammation.
She was refusing all food today though, and was also passing blood from both ends, so she wasn’t faking it htis time, and that is what worried me today.
After 3 injections and a special tablet, and loads of meds to bring home plus a return visit on Wednesday, and a lab test sample to pay for, she’d better pull her finger out and get better sharpish, else I’ve told her I’m taking her to the Charity Shop.
well what a day today has been,not. First did the daily walk then got a phone call from The DR’s wanting me to go in later on this week with results of blood test, seems cholesterol bit high but results could have been worse I suppose. Just realised we don’t have a hard copy of car insurance which i like to keep in the car but the car is insured anyway with automatic renewal. Heard a cousin of mine had a funeral my Sister and I knew nothing about until a couple of days ago. Another cousin David has gone blind in one eye (only 6 month between our ages) and Sheila another cousin has gone blind as well. This makes me think glaucoma is in the family on my mothers side, thank goodness it was picked up at my opticians and dealt with at the hospital with a “stent” inserted behind one eye and drops for the other.
The camera insurance issue now resolved I hope but still unhappy with a bulk valuation not individual items listed, but what can one do?
Apart from all that nothing much happed today
RS, is that a good idea, keeping such paperwork in the car?
Jazzi it makes no difference really it is on DVLA and insurance companies anyway. It is just a hangover from when we had to produce if stopped by the police. May be better just to keep it at home with mot cert. Just another thing not to do is put you home on the car sat nav
My uncle once kept everything in his car. It was stolen and put up for sale on a local garage forecourt. Because the ‘thief’ had every bit of paperwork, my uncle didn’t have a leg to stand on to get it back. Don’t think he made that mistake again.
That’s exactly what I thought too, Jazzi. I would never leave private paperwork in the car.
Years ago the police asked for my insurance, and I told them I don’t carry about with me, and they give you 7 days to produce it at the station. Much safer that way.
just removed all relevent car paperwork now and kept indoors
Strange business I do recall the police in the UK asking for insurance but here the required insurance is part of your rego. So all the police care about is your licence which you are required to carry with you when driving, you’re in big trouble if you can’t produce it - these days it is on your phone too.
Rego papers I keep at home, the police have it on their computer and their number plate recognition software warns of any unregistered cars.
It was so long ago Bruce, maybe it was my licence they asked for, not sure now.
I don’t carry that about with me either, though. You don’t legally have to here.
See this:
" Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to legally carry your driving licence with you when you are driving. However, it is strongly recommended.
A Police Officer can ask to see your licence at any time and if you do not produce it immediately, then you will have to produce it at a Police Station within 7 days."