Good morning to all forum dwellers a lovely warm, sunny Monday for me, expecting 28° later.
I was up at 6am washing all my clothes and camper bedding (obviously a machine did the actual work), hopefully it will be dry by midday.
I have just returned from my Monday coffee and cake meeting with a few friends which is always a pleasure.
It occurred to me that my photos taken on traffic free roads might have given the wrong impression, so here is one for @OldGreyFox taken yesterday on the Hume Highway, the main drag between Sydney and Melbourne, on my way home. As you can see there is plenty of traffic even on a Sunday.
Good morning - A grey rainy morning here. Normally supermarket shopping this morning but I have to wait in for a call from the GP. Might do the shops later.
Many of the family were here yesterday talking about planning their abroad trips so they will be here for my 80th birthday, which isn’t too far off now. I told them to carry on regardless. I’m not worried about marking it. I expect they will though.
Morning all – more heavy rain overnight and forecast for the rest of the day, where is Noah when you need him?
Wish you could send some of that dry weather in this direction Bruce. Top temperature today forecast to be 15c.
Hope the call from the GP goes well Mart
As the beast was indoors for most of the day yesterday there was a little gift waiting for me this morning (still not using her tray – which I have cleaned and put in fresh litter!). She took one look at the weather looked at me as if to say “are you mad” and jumped up onto her favourite chair!
Managed to ignore the ironing yesterday so that is on the cards for today – I was planning to go to the GP surgery my sister in law had recommended but I think I will leave it until I can drive there rather than swim!
I don’t plan to venture out of the house today – fortunately I have a well stocked freezer!
The heavy rain reached here yesterday and as yet has not cleared away, although there was a break earlier when I was able to take Annie dog for her walk. Our village is on a hill, thank goodness, the surrounding areas have flooded quite badly making leaving the village a precarious drive, so I shall stay put today! Yesterday I had problems getting Annie dog out to do her business, she looked out of the back door and retreated back into the kitchen. In the end I had to don my mac and take her for a short walk with the umbrella covering us both - she’s not a spoilt dog of course …
Hope your doctor’s call goes well mart.
I have been having a bit of a wrangle with the company where I buy Annie dog’s food. Due to her being a retired racing greyhound she needs a special diet which I order online - the nearest stockist being 30 miles away. I ordered as usual then didn’t receive the food even though it was supposedly with the carrier and was promised by 8pm on Saturday. When it didn’t arrive I contacted the seller and after a lot of too-ing and fro-ing, where he at first said that he hadn’t received an order from me but now accepts that he has and that it is paid for, I am supposed to receive it between 1-36 and 2-36 today, I am waiting with bated breath.
Good Morning from Foxy’s Ark…
Did I say it was dry yesterday?
It was so dark I thought I had woken up in the middle of the night and was preparing to go back to sleep until I glanced at the clock…
We had some overnight rain and it became quite heavy while I was getting ready for my walk so I expected the worst and dressed accordingly. Hat, raincoat, gloves and shorts, no point having to take up a radiator with drying trousers, and anyway, skin is quite waterproof. By the time I ventured out it had stopped raining, but very misty and murky, nice to be out though and I enjoyed a steady 3.5 miles…
Thanks Bruce, it doesn’t look too bad, and about the same here on the motorways, but the small local roads are usually chock o block at rush hour, even on Sundays. It was better when all the shops were closed, and Sunday was a day of rest.
Good morning everyone, just got back from town, having taken my parents for their yearly pacemaker checkup. Very warm on the way back, 26C, I almost turned on the air conditioning in my car. I wasn’t expecting this because rain had been forecast for this morning . We should hopefully still get a couple of weeks of “end of Summer” weather, apart from some rain-storms which will surely eventually reach us later on and during the week.
Weather seems to be the theme of the day. The anticipated ghost storm finally appeared off the Yucatan and with the help of a weakness in a steering cold front (NW to SE) it is definitely heading our general way and moving fast. We all worked together in the neighborhood to stow outdoor items and to fill sand bags, though I don’t think those will be necessary since we should be on the good side of the hurricane, with water being pushed away instead of toward us. Today am cleaning out the fridges in anticipation of power outages. Although we have a generator, we will be freezer diving until the threat of outages pass.
Ranger (my big brown/black, one-red, mastiff-lab) mysterious showed up with a huge gash in his leg, so I’ve dropped him off at the vet. That dog gets a faster appointment and more thorough treatment than we do! Maybe the secret of the medical universe is to go see a veterinarian instead of a physician for most things .
@MargaretF, I hope the dog food vendor offers you a little something extra with your order. I know how important it is to get those shipments in time. Annie is very fortunate to have you as a dog mom!
Well I done my bit in the garden. The lawn was covered with leaves and twigs after the heavy rain and high winds, So out with the petrol blower which was the easiest way to clear up without ruining the grass. coffee time now
No such luck Surfermom - I’m just glad that the food has arrived at last. I’m on the lookout for a different store now, I no longer trust this one. Still, all’s well that ends well as the bard would say
Our Roads are so Quiet they are a pleasure to travel on…just watch out for the speed traps which get you when you miss the now 80 from 90 speed limit because you hit a private residence usually hidden in the Woods here…
I know what you mean about the speed traps Dianne, I got caught a few years back when the 40mph speed limit suddenly changed to 30mph overnight, and it also came with a concealed speed camera van…I’ve also come across speed limits suddenly dropping from 60mph to 30mph If I wasn’t such a trusting person I would swear that they do it on purpose…
We were Travelling to Angloume to see the Opthalmogist of all places!
Twice he got caught within 15 minutes of each other and the cost for the slight over the limit speed was 100 Euros x 2 plus loosing a point for each offence…6 months later he got a letter saying they are now removed…Thing was I joked when I saw the letter and said oh no they have taken your driving license away.
…Trust me when I say he turned white and I shall never make a joke like that again!