Good Morning Monday 23rd October 2023

Morning all!

A miracle happened. It rained on Sunday. I jokingly asked a couple people on Saturday for thoughts and prayers on rain. It was clear skies at the time so I wasn’t serious. Rain woke me on Sunday morning and continued at the right times of the day. My neighbors were silenced. Yay!

I was able to get in a nap. :sleeping:

This weekend is the weekend my neighbors usually bait me with noise before their Halloween party next weekend. I’m happy they didn’t get to do that. Maybe it will rain next weekend too.

I was planning on placing a grocery delivery order but that will have to wait until the rain subsides.

Have a good day everyone.

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Glad to hear you had a better day yesterday Butterscotch.

I had a very busy day, Paula, my tattooed, boxing, axe throwing helper came along together with Millie, 8, and Paris, the gorgeous bone idle French Terrier for the day.

I looked after Paris when they went out for lunch, with Millie’s Ex Foster Mother.

House cleaned top to bottom, by Paula and my two other helpers.

TV and Central Heating fixed, the littlies , all girls,found out who had been nicking the flowers from the front garden and I gave them £5 each, as they got a visit from their big brothers, as the idiot had threatened them.

All in all a lovely day and all ready for the visit today for a joint assessment from my very woke Medical and Social Care Assessors.

It is a Compulsory Assessment.

I will bite.

I object to being treated like an idiot because of being over 65.

Good morning Butterscotch and Swimmy and all who follow :blush:

Today is very important for me and hubby as we have a meeting with the consultant regarding my husbands health…I won’t go into detail but hopefully it will be good news.

Still dark here …not slept a wink. Glad you two had good days yesterday. Have a great day everyone :grinning:

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Morning all.

Up at 5.45, beating the 6am alarm. I will leave the house about 7.45 to drop the car off for its mot advisories repairs, go and have breakfast somewhere, then go to the library, and home to away phone call that car is done.

Butter, glad you had a more peaceful weekend. Now it’s winter my NfH are not out the garden every day, causing a disturbance. Though occasionally I her music through the walls. You know, the devil in me is wanting to make a lot of noise when home later. The woman apparently did an all nighter at work till 6am, so she is bound to be tired, or want her bed.

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good morning all
@summer wishing your OH gets the good news you want .
Have a nice day everyone.

Good morning all, looks like it might be a nice day here.

Off out to the supermarket and get our weekly shopping.

Have a nice day all.

Adding my positive thoughts to this also.

Hello good morning

I’ve just booked a few days away next weekend in Exmoor I know bonkers in this weather :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nothing planned for today grrr there’s always housework .

Summer fingers crossed for positive news xxx

Take care xxx

Good morning!
Dull & cool, but dry

Off to town soon, to take some parcels to the post office - surface mail calendars to USA & Canada, plus a couple of other errands

They have been doing a lot of roadworks recently on the edge of the town centre, installing cycle lanes and changing a roundabout into a cross roads
So I’ll see what it’s like on foot before I drive around that area

Morning all from Foxy’s world… :earth_africa:
Misty and moist as I walked silently alongside the canal this morning. It felt like I was the only person left in the world, it was so still and quiet. Nothing stirred except the odd squirrel scampering off up the nearest tree when he heard me coming. I burst into a jog occasionally, but it felt disrespectful to disturb the peace.
I’ll go and watch the recorded highlights from yesterdays F1 and then find something constructive to do…