Good Morning Monday 22nd July 2024

Good morning all you forum chums and chumesses.

The wind and the polar cold have gone on their way to New Zealand, today the temperature is promised to be in the low 20s. Naturally my daughter loved the cold, spent Sunday in the Snowies skiing (living in Canberra affects your common sense).

I was up early this morning washing all my clothes and bedding while the sun shines and I have time, just a few hours later it is nearly dry.

Went for my regular Monday morning coffee and cake with couple of friends and enjoyed the outing. This arvo I have the hell that is the dentist, just a patch up job on a broken tooth (should avoid toffees). the damage is next to an old NHS mercury amalgam filling, no idea how they fix those up.

Not sure what I will do for the rest of the day but I suspect it will be nothing exciting, can’t eat this evening because of biopsy tomorrow morning.

Have a great Monday, take care…


Good morning from those of us for whom it is still Sunday!

@Bruce, it’s good to hear you have passed your chill off to the Kiwis, though a few days of skiing sounds heavenly about now Like you, a good portion of the day was spent washing all the linens, but I doubt you had to battle the balls of sheets that result from being eaten by the fitted one.There is something strange about my dryer that is causing this,.but it remains a mystery.

A construction crew will be here in six hours to start dismantling the cabinets for repainting. In fact, I just sat down from emptying and thoroughly cleaning each one. I would have tackled this myself (having started to get the hang of the paint gun) but the previous owners had glazed the cabinets, resulting in a too-much-for-one-person amount of prep work. I am going to give the interiors a go in a few days, so wish me luck and ignore the bad things shouted from afar if it all goes wrong.

I guess I should try to at least get a few hours of sleep, so I will see you all when this day is a little older.

Have a nice start!


Good morning world and all it’s inhabitants, British weather never fails to amaze me, Woke up this morning to a strong chilly breeze, completely overcast sky and a general feeling of Autumn in the air. July weather? more like September. Have I left it too late to emigrate? All I need to do is find myself a country where they have a real summer. Oh, and that takes old unemployable people. Any suggestions?


Morning all – bright sunshine this morning, although some cloudy intervals. Yesterday afternoon turned into a lovely sunny day. Neighbours even had their hot tub going (I hear the motor – no I don’t join them)

Yet another late start for me – don’t know what is happening to me, it’s not that I am sleeping late just that I am too lazy to drag myself out of bed! :bed: How long before I don’t surface until mid-afternoon! Birds were again impatient for their breakfast, I foresee a time when they will be knocking on the windows

Still struggling with the latest book – too much description and back story of minor characters and sudden changes from one scene to another. Currently on page 225 of 446 so having come this far I will continue!

Well, something strange happened yesterday! I left my printer switched on and when I returned to the study found it had printed out two copies of the front of a birthday card!! No it isn’t my birthday and it certainly isn’t something I have looked for online – is my house haunted or have I been hacked by someone wanting to sell me birthday cards! :100:

Take care – hope everyone has a lovely day


Good morning everyone.
A funny sort of day here - cloudy, breezy with occasional light rain although as I write the sun is beginning to peep through, so maybe my washing will dry after all. I hung it out before breakfast more in hope than expectation that it would dry.
I have just returned from taking my dog to the vet. She needs to go every four weeks for an injection because she has arthritis in one of her front legs. There is a park next to the vet surgery and we wander through there as a part of our morning walk. The squirrels were out in force this morning and I have a feeling that if Annie could climb the trees she would be up there after them! I have to hold on tightly to her lead as we wander through.
How strange about your phantom birthday card printer @SheilaP - very spooky! Do let us know of anymore unusual occurrences. Sometimes my dog stares into space as if she can see something I can’t - she will never tell me what she is looking at though … it is said that dogs have a sort of sixth sense but then maybe she is just thinking about her dinner.
Have a happy Monday!



My dryer is the big bright ball in the sky, it doesn’t eat things but it does often leave a faded strip which is why I always hang my clothes inside out.


Sorry Guys, got caught up with a few interesting Topics…
Good Afternoon to one and all anyway.
A bit cooler and fresher this morning, and just a leisurely walk along the canal towpath and round the village. Mrs Fox has has gone to visit her bank in Town this morning, there seems to be a discrepancy…So I’ve got time to peruse the forum and make a nuisance of myself… :nerd_face:
Look what came over our house at the weekend…

Closely followed by these…


Good afternoon everyone, at last a breather! It’s been raining on and off, thundery, temperatures down to 23C.
We usually have real Summers @EZ_Rider, even though they seem to be shorter than they used to be. The hot weather used to start in May, but we still get very warm, sunny Septembers and Octobers.


Love the pictures of the hot air balloons! I used to live near the estate where the Bristol Balloon Fiesta was held. I could stand in my bedroom window and watch the early morning mass lift off - it was wonderful!


G’day all.

We’ve been to Lidl, and for the first time in years, Mrs d00d let me buy pork belly slices. I’m looking forward to having them slow roasted tonight. Chaos at the tills, only self service ones in operation, I think they’re phasing out the manned one. Bye for now.


Nice day!

@OGF, what an exciting event! Great photos and what lovely aircraft - from the ground! I would love to go up in a hot air balloon someday, but those ultralights make me nervous. One flies over the beach regularly and I can’t help but think that the guy’s wife must wonder whether he’ll be home for dinner when he leaves every day. Was there a festival or airshow going on?

I am now self-banished to the deck for the day with the house ransacked for the painters. I had no idea how much the cabinets held until they had to be unloaded for the painting. In all that pitching “stuff” into the dumpster, there seems to be more. Apparently there has been some kitchenware hanky panky going on when I haven’t been looking, resulting in unwanted reproduction. I will soon be taking a good portion of the contents to the Home for Wayward Dishes, AKA the thrift store.

@MargaretF Margaret, I am so glad you are able to get treatment for Annie. It hasn’t been long that our dogs just made do.

@Sheila, if your printer has Wifi direct, it is possible that one of your neighbors accidentally printed to yours.

@Bruce, I wish we could use the sun here to dry textiles. It seems that the air is saturated to the point that mildew is too often the result. Did I tell the forum that my 40 y.o. dryer finally conked out a couple of years ago? I loved that thing as it was my devoted partner in cleaning and the first appliance we bought (and suffered over the cost) when we were first married. I reared two children and raised ten dogs with it chugging along before it was finally done for. When I finally did the math, I realized I had done at least 30,000 loads at a price of six tenths of a cent per load. It was probably the best love affair of my life :rofl.

I know exactly the spot, but you have to have an affinity for alligators, sharks, and tourists :sunglasses:

Alrighty, the bank books are calling.

Have a cool/warm afternoon!


There was a Balloon festival in Doncaster at the weekend apparently. A circus, motorbike stunt riders, Bric a Brac Stalls and other exciting things…So I’m told…
A bit too busy for me… :009: But I would have liked to have seen the balloons at close quarters.
Me and my daughter did go up in the Virgin Balloon back in 2011 (Mrs Fox chickened out even though the bloke said there was a space and she could go for half price)
Can you spot Foxy and his daughter?

We were the ones wearing the hats…Below is York…


At least you didn’t have to pay the York parking fees up there. I think York was the most expensive parking I came across, I think I paid £9 for an hour there, awful place.

Nice balloon, big basket.

My kids in Canberra use dryers in winter, like a dishwasher, I have never owned one.


Outstanding! Big smiles and big fun!

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