Good Morning Monday 22 November

Morning everyone! :wave:

Its a chilly -2 degrees here, the heating has kicked in and its a clear sky.

No plans yet for today, I need a few coffee’s yet before I decide what I’m doing. The oven still needs connected to the wall, so I’ll have a go at that (without blowing everything up, hopefully)

Have a lovely day everybody! :smiley:

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Good morning all.

Had a really bad night last night with Restless legs in both legs, didn’t fall asleep until 4.30am and got up again at 6am.

Nothing planned, might do a bit of shopping early this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Dog and I were in bed before 8, though after reading for a short while I got her outside for a wee then back to bed. Slept reasonably well, with a fair few toilet breaks.

Going back to bed now. Had a cuppa and first lot of tablets.

Might go into town, see if my repeat meds are ready, and there is a library book ready for collection. Other than that, an easy day.

A proper frost here, but everything protected.

Wendy will be taking me our this morning for some shopping and then Amazon deliveries later.

Apart from keeping warm, nothing else.

Have a good day all.

Good morning everybody.

After 10 weeks of suffering a trapped nerve I think it’s well enough to start my exercises again. I’m booked in for an aqua fit class at my local pool this morning. I shall stick to the water this week & hopefully next week resume my exercise classes & walking. The nerve is still delicate & I can feel it twinging but I think the water exercise will do it good.

This afternoon Tony & I will go a walk through the local woods & we have to make a meat & potato pie…

Have a good day all. :blush:

Cold and overcast, just managed 20’ today. Ho Hum

Noticed the pre poll booths are open today for the council elections (4th Dec) so I might go and vote tomorrow.

Enjoy your day.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a cold and frosty start to the day, currently 2°C but feeling like -1°C …… brrrr!

Stay safe, enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: a heavy frost and cold start.
Chloe was restless in the night so I got dressed and took her out then put her bed in the kitchen but I couldn’t get back to sleep.

I am going to make another batch of mincemeat having washed the dried fruit and left it to dry overnight.
There is also a load of ironing to do so that is my day sorted.

Good morning everyone, a good frost here but a nice bright day ahead methinks… :sunglasses:

Back from Tescos having done the weekly shop and pondering what to do next, so I may make a batch of mince pies too, we are down to just two in the freezer so the situation is critical… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Morning all, another bright sunny day here, but chilly at about 7deg at the moment.

I’ll pop round to see my daughter and granddaughter later, from a distance of course. Little one, in my daughter’s words, is “full of smiles - it’s not taking her spirit, but this damn headache won’t go away”. She told her mumma yesterday that it felt like someone was punching her head from the inside :cry:

No plans other than that, Hope you all enjoy your day whatever your plans :blush:

Good morning from ‘out in the rural sticks’ to you all. :039:

An earlier ground frost so a cold morning, as was forecast. Bright sunshine streaming in the windows though. Maximum temperature 9ºC.

Nothing much planned for today. After mundane household chores like doing the washing, it will be a case of whatever the day brings.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

Good morning all.
A cold, bright, and frosty start to the day here.
The dogs had their warm coats on to go out today.

I had the plumber coming this morning, but cancelled it as I think I have sorted the problem myself now, hope so.

Cash machine next, and pop in the co-op for some milk, then wrap up warm, take a mug of tea, and get on with some jobs out in the shed. :slightly_smiling_face:

Good Morning. Back home and tired. But I’ll be winding down a while. Good to be home. 32° here. Hope everyone is well.

Good Afternoon all

Given how busty I have been this morning and the weather being so lovely hope you are enjoying it all too.

Anyhow as I say busy here up and out with her Gertieness lovely walk back for marmite toast & coffee. Popped the washing in and then while waiting vacuumed the hall stairs landing; put that out and then popped Gert’s bedding in the machine then back out with Gert.

Came back and blow vacuumed all the leaves in the back and front garden down the side and a neighbour opposites front, and I now have 5 bags of shredded leaves ready to mulch down leaf compost (gorgeous stuff if of like me you like gardening) put my lunch from Iceland the shop not the Country :grinning: in sea bass with tarragon and butter in a paper bag just waiting to finish that eat it take Gert out again and off to work for 3pm.

Hope you are having such a lovely day.

@Carol When mine twinges I apply heat seems to work, you learn I think to live with it and adapt accordingly glad its on the up you never know till you suffer how much it impacts

Another bright sunny morn again but frost on the lawns so it’s colder than yesterday.

Openreach arrived at 12:50 to install our new fibre broadband line (appointment time was scheduled for any time between 1pm and 6pm). They did a great job, even to the extent of bringing in a cherry picker to save marking our brand new external insulation. Now we have a BB speed of 50Mb/sec rather than 5Mb/sec. I am dead chuffed.