Just returned from my Monday coffee and cake where one of our number is still in hospital. Lovely cakes though and good company as we sorted out the world’s problems.
Just settled down to write this when my door bell rang and I discovered my spudgers from Amazon UK had arrived. Cheap Chinese versions of an Italian product but good enough for what I want.
The sky is a bit overcast and grey but doesn’t seem like any rain will fall, looks like a pottering around the house and garden kind of day. Only 21° forecast.
Marie Antoinette was supposed to have said “Let them it eat cake” and she was so right.
Met three postmen (or one three times) on our walk today.Unfortunately the dog hates them.If you dress up in a bright yellow top and ride around on a noisy motorbike you are asking for trouble IMO
Good morning - The skies are grey but no rain forecast. Mrs mart is still coughing like mad but she has an appointment for a blood test (unrelated) tomorrow, so she’ll be able to give the nurse a demo of it. I’ll go in with her and do the talking. I’m feeling OK. I believe the antibiotics have worked. I will make it to 80 afterall.
Today is the day that the world becomes a little clearer for Foxy, when I go to have my hearing aids fitted - Sorry, they don’t call them hearing aids anymore- ‘Hearing Enhancement Devices’ or HED’s for short.
I shall try them out by selecting a random member of the public to have a conversation with…Scuse me lady?
I understand these ‘Hearing Enhancement Devices’ are equipped with AI…And so anything that sounds like a conspiracy theory or far right propaganda will be censored…
Have a good day folks, and I hope Mrs Marts cough clears up soon…
You do lead an exciting life Sheila, from what I’ve read, that’s about as good as it gets for us forum members…At least we can write about it… @Bruce what are ‘spudgers’?
what are ‘spudgers’?
[/quote] I’m glad you asked that OGF, I don’t feel so daft now that I know I’m not the only one to not know what a spudger is …
It’s a dull day here but no rain so I have hung out the washing, more in hope than expectation that it will dry. The dog walk went well as usual. There is a large sign on the grass verge next to my home declaring Road Closed - I wasn’t sure whether someone had put it there as a joke or that the road really was going to close. I now discover, via the postman, that the road is closed further into the village to enable work to be done on the telegraph poles. That’s as exciting as it gets here!
I hope Mrs mart soon feels better @mart those types of cough can be so draining. Glad you’re feeling a bit better @SheilaP , you certainly have good neighbours. I rarely see any of mine except if I’m gardening at the front of the house. Although when I went to the Plant and Craft Fair on Saturday a lady spoke to me by name although I’m sure I hadn’t seen her before - or maybe I have a selective memory!!
Not much to report today really so I’ll stop before I start rambling
Good morning from bright blue Florida! It’s always good to start the work part of the day reading about everyone’s morning.
The day started early with a quick run so I could meet the exterior painters who will be painting the most exposed southern wall. It is remarkable how much impact UV rays can have on paint in this part of the world; but I should already known that looking at the wrinkles in the mirror! Note to self; always paint your house white.
This is bureaucracy day at home while the dogs are wrestling and racing pell-mell through the house. I love these wild and joyful moments when I think about their backgrounds but it’s not exactly conducive to -thinking.
Alrighty, I am off to to the drudgery. I hope everyone feels better, can pry things open easily, enjoys the ironing, and can hear the whole wide world.
They are just a thin piece of plastic or steel used to pry open cases that are clipped or glued together. For example your mobile phone, tablet or computer case (sometimes after removing screws), even car dashboards though probably more substantial one for the latter.These are spring steel I think.
I have used them to prise open LED light bulbs or even those USB or computer power supplies. Perhaps where you would have once used a screwdriver as a lever and damaged the case?
Thanks Bruce I like the sound of those. I have made a bit of a mess in the past using a screwdriver. Just about everything made of plastic these days is clipped together and requires just the right amount of force, using the correct tool. I have been using an old stanley knife blade and small spatula recently.
Definitely get one or several cheap copies, you won’t believe how good they are at prising things apart.
They don’t always stop you from stabbing yourself if they slip as I am sure you have done with a screwdriver (I know I have) but they seem far less lethal
If you are opening a vape, laptop or similar remember they are metal and do conduct, you don’t want to short battery powered stuff out but it is only a matter of not pushing them in too far. You can get plastic ones but personally I don’t like them - they break too easily.
BTW I also forgot to mention that @Surfermom seemed to know exactly what they were