Good Morning Monday 20th May 2024

Good morning from me.

Some one asked, I have been travelling for three weeks today. Saw a big croc

Have spent a couple of nights here and it has free WiFi! Hope to be in Katherine (NT) in a couple of days.

What plans do you have for today?


Morning Bruce and all…that’s a huge croc indeed! Nice to see its still sunny with you.

Heading for the bus in a moment…been up since stupid o’clock really so I have no excuse to be rushing, but yet here I am, checking the bus times.

Have a lovely day everyone!


Good morning - A bright start and should be fair weather for the rest of the day. Activities are limited but I have got the excitement of going to see the practice nurse to get nephrostomy bits and pieces checked out. Going into town later.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Good morning all :slight_smile: … it’s Monday :frowning: back to work.
Enjoy your day everyone :slight_smile:



Good morning!
Dry, but a bit dull & cool

Going into town soon for a few errands -
the bank, buy birthday cards for daughter & grandson, browse round a couple of shops, including Holland & Barrett
Also a Community Shop, which sells stuff at reduced prices, including fruit & veg

This afternoon I’ll carry on with some knife making, I’ve had one part made for ages, and I want to finish it


Morning all – another bright and sunny day! Only drawback is I will have to water the plants this evening :potted_plant:

That is one very big crocodile Bruce! Hope it had its breakfast! :bacon:

Well the 3 day music festival has finished – so loud it was impossible to sit quietly in the garden reading – had a headache by 11.30! At least it stopped at 10.00 pm for the last 2 days!

Neighbours invited me in for afternoon drinks in the garden. :clinking_glasses: Very enjoyable, then found out they had an ulterior motive, they have been invited to join friends over the August bank holiday and wanted to know if I would look after the beast :black_cat: (of course I said yes!). They are shortly going away for 3 weeks, then for 5 weeks September and a week in October – I am beginning to think they should just give up their British citizenship as they seem to be out of the country so much! :sunglasses:

The plan today is to check out the bus into town – if I can summon up enough energy! I seem to be very apathetic lately (or is it just lazy!) :yawning_face:

Take care – have a great day


I had an injection today (then in two days next week for a full test). Then we went to see my sister. She is hopeless at checking her phone so we have to check that she is in hospital.


Hi what a glorious day

This was taken Friday at the explosion museum of naval firepower. One of those expensive aircraft carriers was back in the dockyard AGAIN …never seem to leave the Solent :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Looking across to Portsdown Hill


Isn’t that a good thing? The IOW is well defended.

Apparently it was made by students at the local TAFE (Technical College) out of scrap steel, wire and concreete

Those students did a really good job, well done to them! :clap:

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