Good morning Monday 20th February 2023

Morning all!

Although my neighbor did a lot of banging and general noise in his yard, he didn’t play his blasting music in his yard. I’m glad for that.

I did as much resting as I could on Sunday after a too productive Saturday. I talked to my favorite person on the phone.

I’ll have to see how I feel later today to make any plans.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Been a busyish morning. We had a problem with our boiler or, more specifically the water supply. Our water company had low pressure. It’s fixed now. Then I ordered a new watch. It is cheap so it isn’t worth repairing the old one. Then we had a stroll to the convenience store with bread and wine. And now we are home.


Just back from town, a few shops and the library. Having lunch then will walk the dog. Nice out there.