Good Morning Monday 1st July 2024

Good Morning on this chilly morning, 16° maximum today. Brrrr… It still doesn’t seem possible that half the year has passed.

Took train into Wollongong to see the specialist, Have to go back for an MRI scan later. Haven’t been on the train for ages, packed as usual :wink:.

Despite the weather warning washed all the towels my visitors used on the weekend and hung them in the car port.

Well, that’s my morning done and dusted. Take care and have a good one.


That is quite a nice train, Bruce. Are others typically in as good shape? The ones I have been on here in the U.S. are not nearly as nice; such is the consequence of such a car-centric culture.

I haven’t gone to bed yet, so I’ll hold off on the “Good morning” until…morning.


Morning all – overcast morning and looks like we might get some rain – all of which matches my mood! :icon_sad:

I am wondering how I managed to hurt my back while I was sleeping, struggled out of bed and tried to make myself look vaguely human (the 3rd cup of coffee helped!) and am trying to decide whether it is OK to drive my car as the “check engine” light has come on and my friendly car mechanic is on holiday! Any mechanically minded members able to advise me on that? :pray:

Went in to feed the Beast and was pleased she didn’t appear to have left any gifts around the room unaware that she had a cunning plan! After she finished her breakfast I was busy cleaning the litter tray when she decided to throw up on the carpet, right by the open door!! She then left the house and I swear she was smirking as she watched me cleaning the carpet! :icon_evil:

Not making any plans for today – with the way my luck is going I am scared to leave the house!!

Take care – hope everyone as a better day than I am!


Actually that particular series is being replaced with a new series later in the year. The new ones won’t have seats that can face the way you are travelling - the new carriages will have fixed seats with half facing one way and half the other, apparently it is to save weight. They do claim they will be more comfortable seats.

Edit: There’s a video

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Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :sunglasses: :man_biking:
Had a few good walks of various distances recently and this morning I pelted (?) around a swift 15 miles on my bike in a decent time. I was treading them in on piece of narrow bumpy road about 15 mph, that’s fast for me, when a bloke zipped past me looking like he was just cycling down to the shop for his morning paper!.. :open_mouth: The nerve of some people… :009:
Anyway, had a good walk along the cliff path at Scarborough last Thursday and must have just caught the last nice day of the summer because since then a cool wind has blown up and I haven’t seen the sun for more than ten minutes at a time since… :frowning_face:
Just a few snaps of our adventures…Meet the intrepid party…
Mrs Fox on the left, OldGrey centre, and a very good friend and neighbour…

Looking back to Hayburn Wyke…

Plenty of steep steps to jog up, the refurbed heart stood up to it very well.

The old coastguard lookout station…

The first sight of Scarborough Castle. Still a long way to go.

Scalby Mills and looking back from where we came from.

Has nobody turned up to welcome us back?

Just took delivery of some new hinges for the wardrobe doors, apparently after ten years some of the self closing doors refuse to stay shut anymore. Today’s job (should I decide to accept it) or if Mrs Fox doesn’t want to go out to dobbies for some lunch…


Some great photos there Foxy - not sure I would have managed those steps without a rest halfway so well done.


@Sheila, sorry to read that you woke up stiff and achy, hopefully it is nothing more than sleeping in a strange position for too long. Hope you recover quickly.

@Bruce, I wish you all would toss a few new trains our direction! I checked out the map and I was surprised at how extensive the system is. That is a mighty long route from Adelaide to Darwin!

@OGF, what a spectacular trail and a perfect day! I’m also glad to see your daughter was able to go along. You three look wonderful; it really is good to see you all healthy and out and about, and I hope you stacked up a lot of good memories along the way. I read up on Scarborough castle and was amazed at its long history! ! I am sure you all must be very proud of your heritage. No doubt, if I owned that promenance I would plop a stoney house on top of it too! It also looks like a grand hike.

It is a blissfully quiet blue and breezy morning here, giving me a chance to catch up on the To Do list.

Have a nice day!


I hope you were joking about my daughter Surfer… :open_mouth:
This is my daughter…and her Dad…

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Oh heavens, I was definitely joking about your wife looking like your daughter, since you sometimes pitch some good-natured grief her way :upside_down_face: :wink: Sorry if that didn’t quite carry.

I remember that photo well; your daughter was a beautiful bride and you made for quite the dashing dad :smiley:


It’s a weird system where a post about trains needs approval!! Ya gotta laugh

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I don’t really know that neck of the woods but looks lovely and quiet for walks. Must be some good fish restaurants!

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A beautiful coastline Greengage, and well worth a visit if you’re ever in this neck of the woods. Give me a call and we can sort something out… :+1:
Whitby is the place for good fish and chips, but most places sell nice fresh cod, haddock or sea bass… :yum:

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What is it with you American’s… :009:
I brought Mrs Fox and daughter to Florida, to do Disney, the Everglades and the Key’s. We arrived at an airport somewhere and the bloke checking the passports said…“Is that Dad bringing his two daughters on holiday?”…If he hadn’t have been wearing a gun on his hip he would have been in big trouble… :grin:


It was probably the fish and chips that convinced James Cook to start his seafaring life in Whitby and set him off on his journey to Australia to discover even better fish and chips.

Poor Dad, he could only afford an old banger.

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We know beauty when we see it? :017: :grin:

(Running for the door…)


question why do Americans find the need to carry guns. OH I know without the stars and stripes fluttering everwhere they might think they are in some foreign country and need protection

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That’s the Ghan.

There is also the Indian Pacific which runs between Sydney and Perth - takes 4 days.

It’s cheaper to drive

It is only fairly recently that you didn’t have to change trains at the state borders because NSW is standard gauge, Victoria is broad gauge, Queensland is narrow gauge but still has a lot of 2ft gauge serving the sugar industry, SA standard gauge and WA a mixture of gauges.

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