Good Morning Monday 17th June 2024

Good morning to you all. It’s a cool cloudy day here with only intermittent sunshine, not a bright start to the working week.

Wandered down to my usual Monday morning meeting with friends for coffee and cake. On the way home called in at Woollies for a few odds and ends, still no eggs.

I was going to wash my bedding but might leave it until tomorrow when it is supposed to be sunny, will just change it and stick the sheets in the machine ready for the morning.

That’s my exciting day outlined, what are you up to?


Morning all – warm but cloudy this morning, although we are promised some sun for later

Yesterday was really hot and sunny, spent the afternoon sitting in the garden reading – no wine was partaken on this particular occasion! :wine_glass:

I think I may be overfeeding Beastie! I arrived this morning to find she had thrown up in the middle of the floor – still I suppose she didn’t try to hide it! She ate very little breakfast then spent 10 minutes wandering back and forth to the open door before spotting some birds in the garden and deciding to chase them off! :dove:

Received a text from the gardener this morning – as we are due to have some very warm weather he wanted to remind me to water the plants! :woman_shrugging: Would never have thought of that myself!

Take care – have a lovely day


Good Morning Bruce and Sheila and all who follow…
Had a cracking good walk this morning, overcast with no wind but a few spots of rain on the final stretch. I walked so fast that it was only a couple of minutes short of being a jogging time…
Fancied taking the motor out for a spin, so called up our friends and neighbours to see if they wanted a drive out for some lunch and a nag/catch up…Mrs Fox wants to build a pond in the back garden, so garden centre it is then…
@SheilaP Sometimes cats like to eat grass to make themselves sick Sheila, I’ve got no idea why they do that but it is common…


Cloudy skies and relatively cool temperatures made for a nice quick run this morning. I am not timing myself these days, just running for pleasure or for fear that that mph is dropping off a bit. The trees are lush this year thanks to a wet spring, but that also makes for plenty of insects which seem to have me on the breakfast menu. Note to self: Remember bug spray.

'Tis otherwise a blissfully slow Monday, so I have a date with the oils. I sold two paintings in the last week, one from each gallery, so I need to get the empty spots filled. I hope my muse has some ideas!

Alrighty, I am off. Have an easy Monday!


I envy your running Surfer…But love to hear about it…It reminds me of the auld days… :wink:
PS:- I still time myself while out walking…Old habits and all that…And it looks good in my journal for future reference…

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Wow, you’re a professional artist and you have sold more paintings than Van Gogh! Brilliant. You must put pics of your work up.

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