Good morning to you all. The weather looks like rain, it has already had one pathetic effort to rain but it will have to do better than that if it is to wet the ground. I can hear the gentle rumblings of thunder not too far away so perhaps the much needed rain will fall this arvo.
Monday, as always is coffee and cake morning though our number was depleted by one with the flu but we still had a good chat.
Ah! I can hear rain on the roof, good…
Yesterday, I think I mentioned I straightened the bend mudguard, looking at it this morning I was quite pleased with the effort. I will postpone the axle moving until it is a bit warmer and drier, there is no rush.
Co-incidentally the rego for the camper came today. I get no concession on this because I already claim it on the car which is 5 times this.
I was able to try out PaintdotNET! to crop and blur personal details. Easy as.
Have a great day, hope the sun shines for you. Take care