Good Morning Monday 14th August 2023

Morning all!

Another day. Another call to the police about my neighbor’s pounding music noise. It was super stressful because the music didn’t stop for hours.

My new headphones work great. It can drown out a lot of noise. But nothing can drown out the neighbor’s music when it’s blasting.

Today is definitely a self care day.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning all, its pouring of rain here.

Butter, does the Police do anything when you phone them or do they just slap their wrist and say ‘don’t do it again’.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all.

Butter, sorry to hear about your experience. Mine are quiet for the moment. Did hear family on my other side return from holiday at 4am, with his dad’s van idling right outside. He could have switched the engine off while unloading. They must all now be sleeping in, as usually the boys are up long before this time.

Hope this rain eases off. I was hoping to get the remaining bags of compost and manure to the allotment. Might somehow get the manure from neighbour’s front garden and put it in my back garden: will mean getting the trolley out again. Then hopefully she can get me some more. No way I’m putting it in my car as when I stopped to talk to her recently, for Holly to say hello, she had the car door open and it stunk!

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Morning sunshine at the moment don’t know how long it will last🫤😁 sorry your having problems with neighbours luckily ours just don’t talk not friendly at all

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Good morning all .
Todays weather looking promising.
lunched out yesterday with my son then to Portchester Castle , perfect day

Today waiting in for a TV , ordered yesterday evening arriving today …impressive service.

Enjoy your day xxx

Good morning all raining here and through the night .
Yesterdays walk took me back to the village i once lived ,the pond was full of water , years passed it would dry out . the hedges were high and looked unmanaged , before they were cut yearly . One footpath was tottaly unwalkable due to overgrown hedges .
We walked through the field where a Bomb had been dropped the Crater still there deep and wide , (WW11) … Beacons had been lit to guide the German Bombers away from the City . Alas it dropped one on a villagers cottage and they died , ,verbal History that will be lost when us old villagers die out .
Have a Good day everyone


Good morning!
Dull, drizzling, and miserable - not unlike myself

I felt Ok yesterday, but I woke up this morning shivering & sniffling
I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee and a bit of breakfast
Think I’ll go back to bed for a couple of hours, then have a shower, and see how I feel
might manage a stroll to the local shops

Good morning from Foxy’s world… :umbrella: :cloud_with_rain:
Despite the gentle rain it turned out to be a good 4 mile jog/walk this morning. Nobody on the lane so I was alone with my thoughts. I happened upon a runner with his dog as I reached the small copse, so as not to let the side down I burst into a jog…I could still feel the remains of yesterdays 30 mile bike ride in my legs, so as soon as he had passed by, I slowed to a walk.
I don’t mind the rain, as long as it’s not being blasted in your face by a strong wind. Today it was still, and nice to be out…

Sun is out so I’m doing another wash, and hoping to get it out to dry.

Part cooked my roasties and cauli cheese for lunch. Relaxing with a cuppa. I promised a neighbour I’d wait home for her delivery, between 12-1. It is diabetes meds for her young son. Can’t say no to that, can I?

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Just back from the Doctors, got a Viral infection in my throat, my throat is red raw, so got antibiotics.

I just went to the Pharmacy Janet to pick up my medication, she laughed at me and said, we would never be able to put your medication in the letter box, as she handed me a big carrier bag of medication.

Well done OGF.

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Oooh Susie, hope you feel better soon.

I have stubbed my big toe on something and it well hurts! Hobbled earlier when on dog walk so no driving or allotment work for me for a bit. Yes, it’s my ‘driving’ foot.

Oh heck, remembered I will be driving on Wednesday. Going to the house of a coffee group lady. I think she is getting fed up of being at the cafe, because her husband has to bring and collect her, so has invited me and another lady to hers.

NfH have put their bin outside my house again so I will move it to the side when I take Holly out later. One day they will find it has disappeared!

Talking to horsey neighbour friend earlier when she carried horse manure to my house and she was saying how much she hates her neighbour and ‘wants to rip her face off!’ I said we have to sit down over a cuppa one day and swap stories, see who is worse off!

Oh, didn’t need to wait in for the delivery after all, as they were home in time.

What a great story, I love to hear about things like this. I agree and think we’ll real miss out when this generation are gone. :pensive:
A different breed who should never be forgotten. :saluting_face:

My father was in the Fleet Air Arm during WW2 and served as a mechanic on an aircraft carrier that would protect the convoys coming from America across the Atlantic.
He didn’t talk about it much but I really wish I’d asked more questions while he was alive. I missed out on so much of his history which I really regret. :confused:

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My Uncle was a Mechanic on WW11 planes , my father told me my Uncle could have had a good job doing that after the war ended , but instead he went into manufacturing Mattresses , walking from his front door to the factory on the other side of the Road …
He probably wanted to put the memories of the war behind him like so many of that time …

My dad worked on the planes as well but could fix just about anything and was a bit of an inventor. (If he didn’t have a tool for a job he would design and build his own) After the war he spent some years working in engineering but the downturn in the industry in the late 70s put him out of work for a long time and he never want back to the trade.
He never saw a German during the war but had a torrid time on the ship. Many pilots were lost and he told me some sad stories about that. Also they were under constant threat from the U boats torpedos and lots of the smaller ships in the convoys were lost.
I can’t even begin to imagine the pressure they were all under. It makes me realise how easy my life has been. I have a Massive respect to everyone who lived through those terrible times.