Good Morning Monday, 13th January 2025

Good morning to all you forum folks at the start of a new week. Not particularly interesting weather here, warm but a lot of clouds about, temperature is in the mid to high 20s.

Have not had a particularly successful morning - I had an idea last night for carrying the TV aerial on my camper. It is a damn nuisance because I rarely use it and it gets in the way in the box on front of the camper because it sits on top of everything.

Last night I had the idea of putting it in a piece of 90mm plastic pipe of which I have plenty and fixing it to the box, on trying it found it didnā€™t fit however later I am going to try adjusting the fitting to see if that helps. I could leave it behind but occasionally when travelling I like to watch the news when there is free to air but no internet.

Apart from that the morning involved a bit of gardening, a bit of tidying up and some playing about with my Google Mini - I am afraid @mart and @Surfermom inspired me to revisit this thing. Even if I set it up I can always turn it off until I need it.

Well, thatā€™s my Monday so far, specialist tomorrow arvo in town so not sure what time I will get home or whether I will drive, take the train or the bus.

Enjoy the new weekā€¦

Take care.


Good morning - No frost today and a little warmer with some sunshine. It would normally be a trip to the supermarket this morning but I have to hang around and wait for a phone call from the Oncologist ā€¦and book yet another blood test with the GP. Might do the supermarket this afternoon. Not much else happening.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Morning all ā€“ weather still improving ā€“ top temperature forecast to be 7c however the Beast is still refusing to leave the house. I am convinced she is now identifying as an indoor cat ā€“ I will pop back in later to see if I can change her mind

Plans today are a visit to the cemetery, shopping for fresh fruit and veggies followed by ironing ā€“ please try not to be jealous of my glamorous lifestyle!

I donā€™t have any of those Alexa type gadgets, I seem to have an inbuilt distrust of them! The only technology I use are my laptop, which has 2 firewalls, and my mobile phone which isnā€™t connected to the internet and only used for texts and phone calls ā€“ I think I must have been a Luddite in a past life! Part of me would like to embrace new technology but I canā€™t get past that distrust!

Take care ā€“ have a great day


Good morning

brighter day today , and I shall walk to the PO to return an item that dont fit.

I might do a bit more in the green house tidy up and get it ready for the plug plants .

Thats my day sorted.

Have a good day .


Good afternoon everyone, very cold and cloudy, 3C,sleet yesterday but no snow. It ainā€™t finished yet though! :sweat_smile:
We have escaped the countryside to stay a couple of days in town, at my late MILā€™s house. It doesnā€™t snow here, so I didnā€™t want to get stranded up there in the hills, we wouldnā€™t have been able to get our cars down those slopes if it had snowed. So better be safe than sorry. I canā€™t wait to go back though, Iā€™m just not used to living in an apartment in town anymore. I love our big house with all that space, no noises, peace and quiet, pure, clean air, even if there is much more work to do.

Wishing you all a great start to the week.


Not a lot happening today. Been to the hospital to get some jabs - later in the week I will have an infusion which takes about an hour, Then dog walking. Such an exciting lifeā€¦


Good Afternoonā€¦
Took Mrs Fox for an early appointment at my dentist. Sheā€™s not been happy with her own dentist since it changed hands so I managed to get her in with mine. He was booked up until next October for NHS patients but I said we would go privateā€¦After a short pause by the receptionist, she said ā€˜how about next weekā€™ā€¦ :+1: That was todayā€¦
She likes himā€¦Heā€™s Italianā€¦what woman wouldnā€™t like himā€¦ :009:
So no walk today but a useful visit to Greggs on the way home for lunchā€¦Mrs Fox paid, to show her appreciationā€¦I didnā€™t charge her VAT on the cost of the dieselā€¦


Good morning from the arctic land of Florida! This is getting ridiculous :cold_face: :laughing:.

This is apparently gray, appointment, shopping, and greenhouse and antenna day across the forum. Fun times for all!

@Rose2, how nice that you have an option to stay in town; without question one of the best things about Italian village living (besides handsome Italian profssionsal, as Mrs. @OldGreyFox would agree) is the accessibility to places on foot. I canā€™t get a carrot without having to drive somewhere!

It is solidly a cold Monday here too. For me, it is a dozen phone calls, processing invoices and deposits, meeting with the structural engineer, and then tutoring. While scanning, forwarding, printing, and filing, I am reminded that the computer has made as much work for us as it has eliminated. Luddites may have it right, @SheilaP.

And with that I am off to solve mundane problems that only humans can create :upside_down_face:.

May the sun shine your way!


Is that common? Would be interested in the fees you pay - all dentists here are private - my dentist charges $150 for inspection and clean and I just paid $175 for a filling (divide by 2 for Ā£s)


I canā€™t get anywhere on foot either @Surfermom, nearest place for a ā€œcarrotā€ is 15km away. :laughing:
I still prefer living in the peace and quiet with lots of space both inside and out. I can sacrifice not being in easy reach of all the services and shops.
Going back tomorrow afternoon.
Itā€™s just the winter period that is difficult to get through, living in the countryside, which unfortunately seems to be getting longer each year. :neutral_face:

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Our dentists are private too. Iā€™m surprised @OldGreyFox that you have an Italian dentist, he would be very rich if he worked here. :grin:

That made me laugh Surferā€¦ :grin:
When we stayed in Miami we went searching for food one evening, we decided to go to Dennyā€™s and walked out of the hotel into the street. Immediately a smartly dressed bloke who stood at the entrance, and who worked at the hotel said ā€œLet me call you a cab sirā€ I pointed out that a cab would not be necessary because we could see Dennyā€™s about half a mile up the road and would walk. He replied with ā€œSorry sir, but nobody walks anywhere in Miamiā€
Shaking his head he disappeared back into the hotelā€¦
@Bruce thatā€™s all too common these days. My daughter has been trying to get a NHS dentist for the last six months, and the story is the same where ever she goes. Foolishly, she had not been to see her own dentist for several years and was now off his list and the only way to return to him would be on a private basis.
After the visit to my dentist, Mrs Fox is scheduled to go for a clean, scale, and filling in two weeks and it will cost Ā£72. Yesterdayā€™s examination, including two x-rays cost Ā£48.
@Rose2 I assumed he was Italian (Paulo Duarte) but I could be wrong, Iā€™ll make some inquiries next time I visit on 3rd Feb. Judging my the car he drives, I donā€™t think heā€™s too badly off working hereā€¦ :wink:

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Judging by the spelling looks more like a Portuguese or Spanish name. :grin:

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You could be right Rose, my last temporary dentist was called Miguel Ferreira but I never saw him again after covid. Perhaps the Spanish can make a better living in the UK.

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