Good morning Monday, 13 December

Good morning from ‘out in the rural sticks’ to you all. :039:

Milder today again. Generally dry but cloudy, some brighter spells is the forecast.
Maximum temperature 12ºC.

Nothing much planned again today – another rather lazy day.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

Good Morning everyone.

Here is where I will be for a while today:-

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Good morning Baz, Tabby and all to follow later.

Mild here too but heavy drizzle at the moment and forecast on and off all day, so not a day for doing anything outside, so looks like being housework this morning and dog grooming this afternoon… if all else fails… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Morning all

Nothing much planned for today but I need to take stock of what pressies I have bought and do some parcel wrapping …
Then of course I’ll panic because I forgot stuff :frowning:

Have a good day everyone

Good morning Baz and OFC members!

It’s a cool and rainy here today so no laundry!

It’s the second time I stepped off the treadmill incorrectly and hurt my ankle so it’s really troubling me. :pleading_face:

Can’t take meds because it makes me sleepy :yawning_face: and I have to work. I hope it heals quickly.

Have a blessed day folks :slightly_smiling_face:


Thor’s Tipi looks interesting.:slight_smile:

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Mild but miserable, a very rainy day forecast.

Black Bin today, so need to fill it up.

Have a good day all and stay safe.

Good morning everybody.

Daughter Karen’s calling to see us this morning with her toddler grandson Coby.

This afternoon Tony & I will go a short walk calling at the postbox to post my Christmas cards.
Think it’s time I cleaned the oven too…

Have a good day all…

My first day back at work after COVID … 4 more days of isolation then I’m all done and dusted :slight_smile:

The plumbers are back today so my heating can be finished and then I can finally, start putting all my crap back in the garage which is taking up space in the utility room. Its quite a mild day here in Sudbury but its not raining for a change.

I’ll get back to practising the set later for our show at the theater on Saturday and hopefully, be able to clear my email in-box.

Happy Monday !

Morning all.

Dentist check up this morning. Helllllppp!!!

Will let you know later! :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink:

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Morning everyone! Slow start this morning and feeling sluggish. It was too warm last night, so didn’t sleep well.

Trying to contact the vets about an ear problem, and lots of admin today. That’ll keep me busy for a while. Food shopping too, forgot about that.

Have a lovely day everybody :smiley:

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: dull but mild today.

@SilverTabby …… hope you have a great time at York Christmas Market Tabby, it looks so bright and cheerful there. :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your day folks, stay safe.

It has been a lovely day, temps just made the mid 20s, I forgot my washing in the machine until 7pm so it is on the line in the dark now.

Booked an appointment with my solicitor, unsuccessfully tried to get a booster vaccine at the health clinic. (The Federal Government may say that the booster is available after 5 months but it is the State health system that delivers it and they haven’t been told yet)

I even went for my walk today because of the lovely weather, almost worked up a sweat.

Happy days… tomorrow looking good too.

Morning Peeps

Very dark and dismal day, I felt like I was coming to work in the middle of the night. I really don’t like these dark winter days.

Finishing work just before lunch then going to meet a friend, I made her something special last night, i’m looking forward to seeing her face as she has no clue I did anything for her. I love to surprise people, call me selfish but I get real joy from making others smile and happy.

Dads later today then coffee with a friend this teatime, so its a busy day for me. I have 5 gift orders to wrap today too!!! My gifts and cards did well on Etsy this jolly season, loadsamoney haha.

Have a lovely day all, Tabs, wish I was coming to the christmas market with ya. I’ve never been to the York one, Leeds was rubbish last time I went but I imagine York is spectacular.

Pixie sorry to hear you feel unwell, get well soon and back to that cheery self you always are.

Jazzi you poor bugger, rather you than me, I’d like to say I’ll take your appointment but whilst I.m kind I’m not that kind! (hugs)

Carol hope you popped a card in the postbox for me :wink:

Summer, can I take a peek and see what you got me before you wrap it up and bring it for me tomorrow hahaha.

Anyone I missed know I’m wishing you a happy Monday too xxxx

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This morning
panic setting in,true. What happened was when i got up I was greeted with " the kettle won’t stay on". now you all know that a man without a kettle is only half a man if he doesn’t get a cuppa in the morning.
So out to the man cave and opened up the kettle bottom and had a jiggle around the works, think it must have been the eletro magnet not holding the switch in the on position.
back on with the kettle bottom and it works. Now being crafty there is a spare kettle as a standby so panic over

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Great morning to all. I hope everyone has an excellent day! :grinning: :grinning:


Today, received ordered Christmas cards, so will address and send out to all on my list. It will be a good afternoon accomplishment, and one I enjoy.

Have a great day everyone. :hugs:

Finally made it here :slightly_smiling_face: I have been catching up on some jobs while it is milder starting giving Chloe a tidy up a job which takes ages these days because my hands don’t work well.

Then a walk across the fields and when I got back I realised Chloe had lost her protective boot so I had to clean her up then go back and look for it .

Afternoon all

Been on a lovely walk and Gert’s ears pricked up I saw someone in the distance and Gert was on edge…turned out to be my brother totally unplanned he saw us in the fields as he drove past (he was working) Gert was ecstatic and expended quite a lot of energy running between us until we met up luckily Gert knows what side her bread is buttered on and stayed with me, as Mick drove off and Gert and I walked.

Been to Asda and will not be there again before Christmas hopefully not busy busy but more people than I wanted to be around given this rising rate.

Has anyone seen the trailer for the film “The Wolfman” Anthony Hopkins its on standard sky and also Freeview Saturday pm looks fascinating.