Good Morning Friday, 7th February 2025

Good morning to you all, another sunny warm day.

I was out early getting a few things to take in my car on my trip. Beer and milk is packed, I also got some Rocky Road to eat over the weekend


Apparently the dog is looking forward to seeing me.

I will set off soon, well, probably around midday, it is only a three hour drive (300km) mostly on cruise control - I luv cruise control.

Have a lovely day. Take care…


Good morning - Grey and dreary today. A change from yesterday (sunny). Someone Mrs mart knows is coming round to do some cleaning. I think we keep the place pretty good between us anyway. It always looks clean to me but I’m not going to argue about it.

I’ll go along to the pharmacy to pick up some new pills. That should keep me out of the way.


Morning all – a grey overcast cold day – can’t wait for spring to start!

I am a bit peeved – an order I placed which was due to be delivered Saturday is now being delivered today – I do wish they wouldn’t change delivery dates like that as I have planned to go to a new group today. I have nowhere a parcel can be left out of sight and it doesn’t seem like I can change the delivery day online! I will have to leave my wheelie bin out and hope the driver has the sense to put the parcel behind it!

The new group is one recommended by one of the girls from the Thursday get together – it is similar to the WI apparently, should be interesting

Take care – have a great day


Yet another cold day and overcast with bouts of rain. Ordered some new wireless headphones which should be here today. The problem is there is nowhere near to try for size, Currys is totally useless. If you want anything they have to get it in. Last time I looked they only had one on the shelf to check out. So have to buy on line and return if not suitable.
I read that our own main post office in Bexhill is on the possible closure list as it unprofitable. No wonder with the price of stamps ,keeping carrier pidgeons will soon be cheaper
OOH just started to rain again and the temp. has dropped. Time to dive under a blanket yet again, I hate this cold weather


Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :heart:
On my last emergency visit to hospital in January I was diagnosed with Angina… :open_mouth:
Nonsense I thought, but promised Mrs Fox that I would take my GTN spray with me out on my morning walks.
I felt some tightness in my chest on Tuesday’s walk but it was a rest day on Wednesday and yesterday I had to miss my walk to take Mrs Fox for a very early appointment. I also missed checking in on the forum in favour of a full English breakfast at the large Tesco at the other side of town…A visit to our daughter more or less finished off the day.
Anyway, I digress. So this morning after a short burst of jogging the chest tightness became discomfort (alright then, chest pain) and I had to resort to a couple of squirts under the tongue. I was surprised when the pain went and did not return for the rest of the walk. Unfortunately, that sort of proves that it was an attack of Angina and I didn’t jog for the rest of the walk. I was extremely cold though in my shorts and decided that perhaps shorts might not be the best attire in these cold temperatures (3 degrees C)…My Dad had Angina and I remember him saying that the cold affected him in the same way.

Safe journey Bruce and don’t fall asleep at the wheel with all those helpful driver aids…


I think that was the right choice. You have to get your priorities right. :slight_smile:

Sorry about your walk and the Angina. My Dad had it too. He used to refer to his ‘under the tongue’ pills that relieved it. I guess the spray is a more modern equivalent?


For a second I thought you were referring to his selection of shorts/pants. :laughing:


Good fine apolitical morning from Florida! The news is screeching across the room but the pelicans outside and the dogs inside don’t care. Now that’s priorities…

It was a foggy wet start to the day, leaving my hair looking like I experienced a static storm after a quick three miles. The cable guy is coming to (not) repair the cable (again) and related Internet issues. What is they say about doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting change as a sign of insanity? Well, despite the mixed metaphors, that shoe fits :crazy_face:.

I am soon off to a scavenger hunt of errands trying purchase a few things that I need for projects and sprucing up the house.

@OldGreyFox I am sorry to read about your angina flair but I join Mrs.OGF in thanking you for your sensible decision to take it easy. Why is it that our bodies go to war with us at a time in life when we appreciate them most? This aging business is definitely backwards. Take care!

Have a safe and scenic drive, @Bruce and good luck to the rest of you on your deliveries and staying warm.

Have a nice day!


Don’t worry about that, I have a verandah and half the time they still leave stuff at the front door in plain sight when half a metre over it would be hidden from the street.

Fortunately I haven’t lost anything yet

They are all Post Office shops here now, can’t complain about the price of stamps here but I wonder if people do think, “I need a pair of binoculars and a toaster. I’ll pop down the Post Office to buy them”

My mother had angina, she had a tablet to stick under her tongue. I vaguely remember it was made of something like nitro glycerine. Probably best not to stand near a naked flame when you take it :wink:

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