Good morning Friday 4th March

Good morning all.

Looking a calm sort of day out there! Sitting on the stool by my bedroom window, having drunk the first cuppa of the day, and first tablets. Dog has disappeared downstairs, probably to her biscuits.

Might go round with the vac later, and got a chicken to cook.

Enjoy your Friday.

Morning Janet, you are up early today.
It’s lovely and sunny here.
Sometime this morning I am going to walk down to the sea wall and benches with my stick and Rob by my side just in case I fall, got to get the exercise.
Have a nice day all.

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Did some shopping and hoped to go for my walk but every time I tried it started to rain. At least it is not so cold the temperatures got up into the mid 20s.

Washed a few T shirts, undies and shorts because I am running short of clothes and dried them in the car port, the breeze was warm enough to dry it in a few hours.

I get the dog back tomorrow because my son’s ship is being sent to Brisbane to assist with the flood emergency. They will survey the shipping lanes in and out of the Brisbane River.

Have a good one.

Good morning everyone, tipping with rain here and has been for most of the night, but seems to be easing a little now.

After walking the dogs I want to service my Jeep and fit a new battery, but it can stand if the weather doesn’t improve.

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Morning everyone, it’s been raining here, but has stopped now, and we’re promised a fairly sunny day.

I really should do a Tesco shop some time today, but I have some phone calls to make, which are likely to take up a fair bit of time, and I have to collect my granddaughter from school later, so we shall see.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Morning all. Another wet, grey, and cold day here. :frowning_face:

I sowed my tomato seeds last night, and some summer bedding seeds, and will test out my new propogator now.

Other than an appointment this afternoon, I have nothing in particular planned, so will just let the day take its course.

Be happy. :smiley:

Good morning all :grinning: a beautiful sunny day but still a chill in the air.

Washing out on the line getting a blow in the breeze.

Pottering around with duster in hand and arranging the flower vases. Hopefully I’ll get out in the garden later.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: fine at last and and able to dry the washing outside for the first time in days.

Waitrose has just delivered so lots of vegetables to chop for a stir fry lunch.
Enjoy your day.

Good morning! Been out in the hills again this morning, and its such a joy to be in nature when it is waking up. I saw roe deer and so many birds I lost count. I started grinning to myself as I walked thinking this is the best move I made.

Anyway, back home now, coffee and toast on. Gas men are coming to fix the valve later today, and just general pottering after that. I start work again at the end of the month, so its nice to have this time to get into a routine of sorts.

Have a lovely day everybody :wave:

P.S. It IS Friday isn’t it? Just checking because I posted this in yesterdays thread :roll_eyes:

Yes, Friday it is PK!
And it’s raining…:frowning:
But we walked the dogs then went to the convenience store - Ozzie’s mum like the tea cakes there.

No rain, no wind, plenty of sun. Lovely day today.