Good Morning Friday, 3rd May 2024

Good morning all you wonderful forum folks.

Today I am in Orroroo - doesn’t that name just roll off the tongue? small town but it has a caravan park. I say small, you could throw a stone from one end of the main street to the other end but, like many Australian small towns the street is wide enough to turn a bullock train in. These days you don’t get many bullock trains so they have added a wide park like area down the centre of the street, it is actually very nice, with shade, seats and tables.

Not much else for my day but I love to know what you have been up to.

Have a good one.


Morning all – more rain last night but currently dry if cold.

Spoke to brother again this morning (wow twice in 2 days – is this a record!). He had to have a small amount of skin cancer removed from his hand yesterday and he rang to tell me all went well. I told him having bits cut off is not a good way to lose weight!

Gardener is due today so hopefully the rain will hold off. He is bringing his wife with him (she is a friend of mine) so we can have coffee and a catch up while we supervise him!

New book is due to be delivered today – just as well as I have almost finished the last one. Only two more books in this series so unless the author writes more I will have to find another writer.

Dinner with neighbours tonight – which may be followed by a robust conversation about their insisting on paying every time we go out.

Take care – hope everyone has a great day


Good morning all :slight_smile:

“This Friday, finish your work and be done.
Look forward to the weekend and have some fun!” :slight_smile:



BTW hit a small roo/wallaby today. I thought I had avoided it but caught it with the mudguard of my camper. The roo was deceased but considering I was travelling at over 100ks the damage is minimal.

The photos were taken after cleaning off the gore, blood and fur which went everywhere - a very mucky business.

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Yuk Bruce… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Good Afternoon From Foxy’s World… :cherry_blossom:
Overcast and cool today but still nice and dry. Apparently rain is forecast later this afternoon.
Did a decent, mainly walk, this morning and had more time to look around. The Allotments look already for planting. ‘Dig For Britain’ is what I say, and stop importing all this chemical filled excuse for food from the other side of the world…I spotted brussel sprouts from Morocco in Tesco the other day… :009:

Anyway, I continued through the wood and marvelled at the carpet of Bluebells…

Decent walk, slow time, but who cares…
And I beat the rain…


I’d be more upset about the life you took than the state of your vehicle

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That is so sad.

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Sadly one thing you can be certain of is that it isn’t the first and it won’t be the last. They don’t have much road sense and the quickest way to kill yourself is to swerve.

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I understand perfectly this problem, I know that, especially where there are wild animals around, this cannot be avoided. Wild boars have been a problem recently over here!

I think animals deserve respect. Could people drive slower or is it inevitable that they get killed this way. What do you do when you kill one. Do you have to clear it off the road. What would you do if you just badly injure one. Would people just carry on and ignore that one may be injured

Where do you stop? Insects splattered on the windscreen? Lizards that freeze in the road when a car comes? Snakes crossing the road?

It is not a good thing to hit a large animal on the road - Kangaroos, Wombats, Emus, Camels even Wedgetail Eagles will all write your car off if you are unfortunate enough to hit one. It is best NOT to drive at dawn and dusk when these animals are on the move

Personally I carry a large texta and if I hit an animal check its pouch for a joey and mark it with a cross. If there is a joey then wrap it up and ring WIRES.

It this particular case I didn’t know I had hit it as it only hit the trailer but there was enough blood and guts to indicate that it was dead.

I think most visitor’s first sight of a kangaroo is as road kill

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