Another overcast day with temps hovering about the mid 20s but still it is Good Morning from me.
Fetched my landfill bin in before I went for my walk this morning, came home, had a shower and got stuck into the other wheel bearing on my camper.
Have just got out of the shower after completing that little job satisfactorily, quite pleased with myself having finished it for at least another year.
Will have to go out and see if the recycling bin has been emptied, it seems to get later and later.
Well, that’s all my excitement for the day done and dusted!
Morning all – bright sunny start to the day, the birds were lined up on the wall waiting for me to refill the bird feeders, fed them before I fed myself!
Still having problems with my ear – don’t think the almond oil is helping
My brother rang this morning (had to remind him that when it is early evening in Australia it is early morning here in UK!). We had a lovely catch up and I was able to chastise him about not eating enough veggies and not taking the dog for regular walks (as his sister I think it is my job to nag him!) His excuse for not going for walks is that it is too hot – reminded him it is cooler early mornings!
Nothing much planned for today but tonight I am out for dinner with my neighbours
Welcome to very wet and raining East Sussex. so dark as well, nearly need house lights on. Even Teazle our Border Terrier took one look outside and shot back indoors.
Temperatures have rebounded, thanks to compressed air ahead of a front. I plan to get outdoors to start trimming some of the plants that froze last week, though most will be left as is to use as a protective layer until March.
With driving such a challenge for some of my older friends and neighbors, I spent yesterday driving a widowed neighbor to an oncology appointment a four-hour drive from here. The roads were chock full of trucks, but we made a good day of it telling stories and stopping at a bakery cafe on the way back for leisurely lunch.
Today is a little more mundane as I am home all day packing things up for storage and diving once again into American history with my daughter. Today is a deep-dive into the Enlightenment that was at the heart of the Declaration of Independence. While most revolutions are typically driven from the bottom up by hungry masses, what is often overlooked is that our revolution was largely driven by the wealthy intellectual class that was philosophically (instead of religiously) motivated enchanted w Locke, Rousseau, and Montesqueiu. The real lesson? Never read serious non-fiction before bed. .
With that I am out for a run before I reread about the English Armada thanks to Bruce.
Jethro is on the same. ‘Re’-Searching. Wavelength.
His TheSis is. ReWriting “The Boston Tea Party”. With an alternative result.
" ‘Buy’ The USA". All da way 2 >> The Senate. E
That’s when I ring my brother, I think we are 11 hours apart (AEDT and all that) so that when it is 8pm here it is 9am in the Midlands, it suits us both.
One thing I have never understood is why the UK doesn’t go on Central European time so your time is the same as most of your trading partners, it would make so much more sense and it means your brother would ring an hour later.
I vaguely remember they did try it many many decades ago but wimped out.