Good Morning Friday 31.3.23

Good Morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

What a dismal morning! It’s raining cats and dogs here and I have to go into town for an Optician’s appointment. :umbrella:

No other plans for the rest of the day, will tackle whatever comes along.

Enjoy your day folks…… don’t forget your brolly if you’re going out!

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Morning Mags, and all to come…

Tipping down here too and forecast for most of the day they say.

Back from doing the weekend Tesco shop and nothing on my agenda now, apart from a visit to check up on my mum after coffee.

Try to enjoy the day everyone :blush:

Good morning all :wave:
Just blew into the Windy City , it’s blowing a Hooley out there
50 miles an hour and some.
If you don’t have to go out …my advice…don’t !
I popped out briefly , dog walk .

Enjoy your day xx

Morning all!

Got some partial good news about something I was worried about. Partial whew! :blush:

It was sunny yesterday with dark gray clouds passing by.

After celebrating the good news, not sure what else I’ll get done.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning!

A bit dull, but dry
Nothing much planned, just cleaning & tidying

Went out early in the rain for my 3 miles of fun…Didn’t feel the love today with a slow time.
Nursed a poorly crow on Wednesday, he’s a regular visitor to these parts and we can recognise him because he has only got one leg…
It seems he was fighting and came off worse. I found him under a bush on the green half dead.
I made him a comfortable bed in the garage and left the door open in case he revived.
When I looked in on him later he had flown onto the ground and looked a bit more alert so I gave him some water and bread (what do crows eat?)
Later in the day he was nowhere to be seen in the garage but had flown into the nearby trees, he later flew off…
Didn’t see him yesterday but thought I heard him cawing in the morning.
Cawing again this morning and I spotted him balancing in his favourite tree, he just flew off with a mate…


That was very kind of you to ‘rescue’ that crow and get it into the safety of your garage and give it some food.

You are a softy at heart, Bob! x

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Thanks Mags, you’ve sussed me out…