Good morning Friday 29th Oct

Good morning everyone, rain overnight here and more on the way apparently, but still mild for the end of October so no complaints.

Very little on my agenda today so I may dig a jigsaw out of the cupboard to pass a couple of hours on and maybe watch a film this afternoon… such a hard life…

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:


Good morning from me too. When I came downstairs at 5:30 to greet the day with choice of guitars for the day, it was very windy bordering on gale force, so rough weather has arrived overnight. Rain is also expected by noon and that will make the day very unfriendly indeed …roll on spring :+1:
For those rising to see good weather, make the most of it coz it’s gonna change before your day is out, so I hope you enjoy your good fortune as much as possible :ok_hand:


A fairly warm sunny day, 28’C. really nice.

The council laid the pavement outside my place, the bit in front of my driveway, I won’t be able to get my car out until Tuesday but that suits me OK. I might be driving to Canberra on Wednesday.

Once the path is finished I shall be out there with my Roundup to kill the grass and plant geraniums it is an opportunity for me to give up mowing the council property - there is more grass there than inside my fence.

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Good morning Barry and OFC folks!

It’s FriYAY :smiley:

Long weekend in SA because Monday is Voting day :roll_eyes:


Good morning everyone

I’ve not been out yet but it sounds a bit wet and windy out there in North Yorkshire…its not cold though.

I’m going over to Skipton today to meet some pals for lunch in a lovely little pub we all like so I’m looking forward to that.

Have to get some treats in for case of little village visitors :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone x

Good morning all, its a bit milder this morning.
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

A bit windy here in Suffolk, and I think rain might be on its way. Best get the dog out soon.

I plan on getting to Morrisons and PaH, after dropping off book back to the library. Took it out yesterday, not realising I own the paperback. Grrr.

Yes, windy and rainy here too. We will take the dogs out but it may be a short one. I got the Covid booster last night. So far so good…:slight_smile:

Good morning everyone! Yes rain lashed down here too, last night - was thinking about videoing it, as it sounded so fierce, but too cosy to get up! Its still pouring now.
I have a few things to get from the shops, so I’ll be navigating the flooded streets with care. Have a safe dry day everybody :wave:

It would seem we had the rain overnight. I did see a huge puddle on the garage roof on the other side of the alley, when in my back bedroom just now, when getting something from in there. The sky is fairly clear so presumably the rain has moved away.

Good morning everyone, what a night heavy rain and high winds .

I am waiting for Waitrose to deliver, they don’t use bags anymore so I meet them in the garage and unload the goods onto the table in there .
I want to do some baking as well, more turmeric and cumin crackers.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone. Have a great day :slight_smile:


Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: rain throughout the night but sunny intervals forecast for later.

Nothing special planned for the day, may rummage through the wardrobes to see if I can find something to fill the Charity bag that came through the door yesterday.

Enjoy your day folks.

Very wet and windy down here in the Weald . Looks set to be a miserable day outside so it’s fairly certain I won’t be venturing out there till things improve. :umbrella: :smiley:

After my dog walk I have decided not to venture out shopping today. I have enough to see me through.

Morning all, bit late checking in today. After having it bucketing down all day yesterday and all night, the sun has come out and we have a lovely blue sky. Not sure how long it’ll last…

Had a trip out to my favourite fabric shop in Exeter yesterday to get some black stretch cotton jersey - my granddaughter needs a black long sleeved tee for Halloween, and we couldn’t find any locally, and none online that could deliver in time, so it’s Nana and her sewing machine to the rescue!

Enjoy your day everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

My house is like a building site today. My spot lights are all in and the alarm is being installed, but lots of noise, lots of mess and with the doors open its quite cold.

But its Friday !

Happy Friday Peeps !