Good Morning Friday 29th July 2022

Morning all!

Lawn is watered. Trying to cool down during the early morning hours to prepare for the day.

Got a lot of sleep yesterday. Nice! :sleeping:

Haven’t yet decided what I want to do today.

Have a sensational day everyone.

Good morning all.
Nice and sunny, but cooler now, just how I like it.

Got lots of jobs to catch up on, but doubt if I will make much impression on my list as I need to go out later.

I have said in a couple of other posts about our Co-op using little robots to whizz round delivery groceries here. Well the other day I saw one stuck on a high kerb, and this morning one was just sitting there scratching its head (I’m exaggerating there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) because the bin men had left bins all over the pavements, and this little ‘thing’ didn’t know how to get passed.

Another idea that looked alright on paper!


Good Morning All.

I have had some sleep, which I need and then started on sorting out the kitchen cupboards.

I am now on a low potassium diet, so very restricted on things.

No more brown bread, seeded bread, baked beans, bananas and many types of fruit and veg.

Have a good day all.

Afternoon all. Not a lot happening here. Rain off and on here but we avoided it. I was planning to cut the grass - it needs it - but is is too wet. Salmon for dinner tonight. We like that.

Good afternoon!

I cycled into town first thing for some supplies before it got too hot and busy.
We’ve just been blackberry picking, I couldn’t get any Bramley’s for the crumble but Granny Smith’s will make a fine alternative.

I barely slept a wink last night oh dear !
Popped out to shops for nothing special .
It’s hot hot hot here
I’ve an invite to a private viewing at a art gallery tonight ,a local artist. I shall whizz round avoiding any pretentious talk , with luck be out within the hour .

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