Good Morning Friday, 28th March 2025

Just had a phone call from "my bank???"saying about an unauthorised transact from something called zoom and from something else. just another scam phone call wanting me to press button one on the phone for futher information. Nneedless to say I put he phone down, it was an English voice this time


Good Morning from Foxy’s Gaff… :classical_building:
Had a nice day in Scarborough yesterday but like I predicted it was mainly a rummage around the shops so I didn’t get chance to run nude into the sea @Eliza and they don’t go much on nudity in M&S… :009:
I did manage to catch a glimpse of the sea though when I escaped from Mrs Fox…And I photographed this little nugget on my phone…

Then Mrs Fox bundled all the shopping on to me…

Nice and sunny this morning so opted for a longer walk past my favourite road junction…

It was nice to get out into the country and home before the rain…

It’s the first time I’ve done my five miler since 2nd February and all the bother with my heart and then the gout…I’m happy to say that it went really well and even managed a couple of bursts of speed (jogging) they are the red bits on the map…I did say they were ‘Short Bursts’


Good on yer Foxy!
Even a quick visit to the coast is a tonic in my book! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


My eldest daughter has just bought me one as a mothers day present.


I hope the terrible earthquake in Myanmar has not affected you @Pimmy . According to our news this morning buildings in Bangkok were damaged. Keep safe.


My garden always produces far more hot chilli than is needed so I dry them, grind them up in a coffee grinder after which they last for years.


Im also thinking about @Pimmy hope she is ok , and not affected by the earthquake.

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Yes, me too…


This is my first attempt at replying to a thread. Not sure what to expect exactly. I looked over the site and wasn’t sure where to begin. The pictures are pretty nice that are being posted.



What a lovely first post.

I hope to hear a lot more from you.

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Hi Diana and welcome ! We are a pretty sociable bunch. You have said that travelled to some interesting places - care to share ? I have also travelled, in my case mostly on business including USA…

Welcome to the forum Hello and thanks for the compliments on behalf of all our members.
I think a few photos helps to brighten the place up a bit, as well as new members like yourself.
don’t be a stranger and I look forward to reading you…

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Thanks my friend, you are always welcome here.

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Thank you very much Bruce, today I’m getting back on track

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Happy for you, Frankie

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Thank you so much, Eliza. I really appreciate your concern. Everything is back to normal now

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Thank you so much Besoeker, All of you here are so lovely. I truly appreciate everyone’s kindness and concern


Great first post, you nailed it! This place can feel a bit like a party , jump in with us and have fun!


Hi there, Thank you for the question. I have been to multiple countries in my work. Australia 8 times, Romania 8 times, Moldova, Italy, Greece, Hungary, France, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland - more locally Canada and Mexico, China, Sinapore Hmmm. Hong Kong. Croatia, Spain, Portugal. It was a good question for me because I haven’t stopped to think about all the amazing places I have been to. I really loved Australia. I teach a baby massage program and train healthcare professionals. When I was in Romania it was after the fall of Ceausescu and I did humanitarian work in the state run orphanages.


Thank you Pimmy, I did read that you are in Thialand. Hopefully in a protected area. The news is awful about the quake.