Good Morning Friday 25 Feb

Morning all.
Bright and sunny here in Bristol. Which is more than can be said for me :joy:
Shopping day, joy of joys.
Hope you all enjoy your days :+1:

Morning all, lovely and sunny here.
Still in a lot of pain…
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

A bit of shopping for me, and changing bed linen.

How exciting.

Miserable and wet most of the day, 38mm yesterday and heaps today, it is not cold but it is not summer either.

My son rang so I will have a doggie to look after from tomorrow, his ship is sailing to Melbourne tomorrow to protect it from a Russian invasion and commemorate the sinking of the original HMAS Yarra 80 years ago (? I think that is what he said).

Crikey, what an exciting lot you all are! :grinning:

As for me, I have to meet up with relatives at the pub for a carvery lunch and a pint of beer so how dull is that, how I wish I could join you in the shopping and linen changing… :rofl:

Whatever you are doing though, enjoy your day :blush:

Good morning everyone! :wave:

Finally made the move, despite Mother Nature throwing all manner of storms around the UK. I’m glad everyone is still here and suffered minimal damage! Trying to unpack and get things re-organised, as well as getting into a new routine.

Woke up this morning to sunshine, snow and squirrels, so that is always a good sign.

Have a lovely day everybody :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


About bloody time. :roll_eyes:

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Reasonable weather here, a mixture of cloud & sunshine, but dry

I’m expecting a parcel delivery today, so I’ll be staying in and just pottering about till that arrives; and probably still potter about after that

Morning all, it’s a beautiful sunny day here, which is just as well as I’m off out to lunch later to meet up with a bunch of retired ex colleagues. We suspended our usual monthly meet-ups in February 2020, and this is the first one since then! Well, at least, the first one apart from a Christmas meal in early December. I wasn’t able to go then, so it’s the first time I’ll have seen them all in two years!

Have a good day all :blush:

Good morning everyone a beautiful sunny day …still windy and perfect for drying washing so I will take full advantage of it and do three loads.
The sheets are already washed and on the line.

The lambs arrived into the field next to my house yesterday, the ewes lamb near the farm then are moved here. It is always lovely to see them and a sure sign of spring on the way.

I hope to do some jobs in the garden later , my back is still bad but I can kneel down and work that way. I am happy to see the raspberries and garlic are growing well.

Enjoy your day :smiley:


I’m at work but finishing in half hour then home to sort Johns insulin and make him some homemade soup. I make some great soups if I do say so myself, well, my Dad and John love them anyway.

Going to kitchen place to look at a design for my kitchen, he came to measure up on Tuesday so today is design day. I’m not sure we are going to go for it as it’s very expensive but no harm in looking at the design I suppose. I wish I knew how to do stuff like this myself and save a packet.

Doing Dads shopping later on today, I normally do it Saturday but thought I’d get it done today as not much on and it will free up a bit of my Saturday if I get it out the way.

Susie, I hope your pain eases up and soon!

Sheba have a well earned fun time with your friends, you’ve been through some anguish lately and need a release from the stress.

Meg, I love how you reminded me Spring is on its way, yaaaaaaaaaaay for Spring.

Everyone have a lovely weekend.

garage run out of petrol last night and only 2 pumps for diesel Sue said. Panic buying again with a long queue when passed by again

What a glorious morning, this morning. For once, the sun had his hat on and there was no wind to speak of. Litter that had blown in on the storms has been picked up and binned, and all my bird feeders have been replenished with goodies for the ickle birdies. I also noticed we’ve plenty of purple crocuses out in full bloom along with a few dwarf daffs and a bunch of snow drops. Even the magnolia at the bottom of the garden is about to bloom.

Great Ken Dodd impression, Percy. :+1:

Thank you.

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Is that a thank you thank you, or an eff off thank you, Percy? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a thank you thank you but if you want it be an eff off thank you, then by all means :rofl:

Okay, say no more, I’ll gladly settle for that. :slightly_smiling_face: