Good Morning Friday 24th May

The sun is up and the throngs are making their annual Memorial Day weekend pilgrimage here with vehicles chock full of kids, beach chairs, sunscreen, and beer. There are two ways to access the island, and the controversial route that included a ridiculously high toll was made free this weekend when the city finally purchased it from a Chinese corporation. It seems like just a few years ago that there were no condominiums on the beaches and the only way to the island was a rickety bridge made of railroad ties. Now the throngs come to see what is really - no longer there.

This is one of my favorite holidays not because it ushers in summer, but it brings back, in full force, my feelings of gratitude and sentiment for the young men who died on battlefields. It is a mystery to me how men are compelled to fight, but I am incredibly, humbly appreciative for their protection of a way of life that has given so many of us countless freedoms.

Glenn Miller is on the stereo, my poppy is pinned to my sundress, the pie is in the oven, and the fixings for the potato salad are about to come out of the fridge.

Around the picnic table will be the empty place that is always set in honor.

Have a peaceful day!

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It sounds like a very important holiday for you @Surfermom, wishing you all the best for a perfect day.

P. S. Remember the cherries? Bad news, I’m afraid. The torrential rain has ruined them, I only managed to pick a few. The rest were badly damaged, mouldy or had simply been knocked off the trees by the strong winds. Our climate’s gone mad, cold when it should be warm, too warm when it should be cold, rainy when it should be dry, I could go on… :frowning_face:

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Oh no! The ones you salvaged look like jewels! I hope they taste as good as they look .

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Thank you @Surfermom, yes they’re delicious, my daughter is particularly fond of them, my son not much. Such a shame, gone are the days when I used to make lovely cherry jam.

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Hello all I am a day late, I was off the grid yesterday.

Not quite true. For the first time for god knows how many years travelling I was at a place with an Optus signal but no Telstra signal. That has never happened before!

I was at the worst roadhouse I have ever stayed at, I’d have been better at a rest area.

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