Good Morning Friday 1st December 2023

Morning all!

It turned out to be a restful day. I did more morning pages and some relaxation exercises. I was even able to catch a nap.

No plans for today. I might set up my new tablet. I’d like to find a series to watch on Netflix. I just paid for it, and it seems a waste that I barely watch it. I do play a free game every day from there though.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning all.

Up early to use the bathroom, have a cup of coffee with first tablets and will go back to bed for a bit longer.


Good morning all.

Making Rock Cakes this morning then pampering my feet.

Don’t think i’m going out today.

Have a nice day all.

So our wee dog is going to be spayed today - let’s it goes well…

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Good morning!
Very cold, clear, sunny, and frosty

Sky is clear & cloudless; still snow & ice on the ground
Nothing much planned today
I could have a stroll to the local shops, but I’ll probably stay in and make do with what I have.

Oh, my car had its service and passed its MOT yesterday, no problems
So I could Surf t’Net, make a mug of tea, and start thinking about next year’s holidays


Good Morning All.

Very cold, -4c and the mist is just going.

Had a bath, change of clothes and ready for my first coffee.

A day in today with the blinds closed.

I am playing gummy today, relining my dentures, saving an awful lot by doing it myself.

It is also finance day, first of the month, so doing the ins and outs and making sure I have enough cash.

Have a good day all.

Good morning everyone

I can tell its December because the meals out get togethers start in earnest.

Its frosty here but think it will be a sunny day overwall. I am off to cousins (Mom’s side) pre christmas lunch today. It was like “herding cats” trying to organise this but done and dusted now just the eating to do 14 of us plus with “fingers crossed” two zooming in one from Canada and one from USA.

Looking forward to it immensely not seen any of them since well before lockdown and last get together was 2017, since then we have all lost parents so we are the “first line of defence” LOL, my Aunt is law Auntie Olive is still with us she is 92 now. She is coming with her son and daughter in law. So be very nice to see and catch up with everyone. So thats my day hope yours will be as enjoyable.

It is easy to loose touch but so nice to make the effort to regroup.

Good Morning from Foxy’s World…
Well almost!
The forums intrepid explorer once again survived the challenge of the canal towpath on his 3 mile quest for survival amid Arctic conditions…Even managed to put some jogging in…
But I’m using the car to pick up my prescription and some drawers from Machine Mart…
No! Not those kinds of drawers…Something to create order among my collection of resistors which are currently all over the place…Call it OCD if you will…

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Brilliant :joy::joy::joy:

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In library with free coffee. Posted all my cards, got cash out, bought more cards, collected reserved books. Waiting to get bus at 10 to. Rolls for lunch.

The sparky in my other life. Industrial power electronics…

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