Good Morning Friday 19th July 2024

Good morning all, another day this side of the grass.

Was up reasonably early to get the bins in this morning.

I have been tidying the mess that accumulates near my bed, it just grows like Topsy but now it has all gone. Recycled some of the magazines and paperwork but have some old electronic stuff for the bin, including a portable DVD player with 7" screen, an Android computer (really rubbish) and some other electronic goods no longer used or just very outdated.

Being a bit of a hoarder (who’d have guessed?) I always save the power supplies (plug type) you never know when they might come in handy.

Am experimenting with a book binding trick I saw on Youtube - for those inevitable manuals that you have to print out, this one was a bit too thick to staple so I am trying gluing it with PVA glue. Its a bit more permanent than the tear off notepads I used to make using silicon or rubber solution and scrap paper.

Not very exciting I know.

Anyway enjoy your Friday and for the workers, tomorrow is the weekend


Morning all, just 20C at the moment but forecast says 30C later. It’s a morning off for me, Mrs d00d goes to the gym. But I don’t want to travel far, it can get stifling in those Boris Buses.

I need a coffee.


Good morning - Already started clearing up after yesterday’s laurel pruning. Took about 2 feet off the height. It has trunks as big as trees (many years old). Being mature means it has about an 6-8 spread at the top. A fair amount of lopping to do and loads of clippings to clear up afterwards.

Another job to finish today is making good the edges of the floor in the hallway. We recently changed the surface from carpet to solid. The detail of work needed would be lengthy and boring but lets face it, reading this paragraph is boring enough as it is. :slight_smile:

Have a good day :slight_smile:


Morning all – yet more sun today – up to 28c locally. Unlike Australia, Bruce, the heat in UK tends to be very humid. :sweat:

Met up with friends for coffee yesterday at the local community centre, someone dragged the volunteer serving the coffee out into the hall and announced it was his birthday and we all sang Happy Birthday to him – poor man looked mortified!

Went next door to pay the bill for repairing my car and they insisted I sit in the garden with them and was given coffee and a cake – of course I had to eat it, can’t be rude!

Will be taking advantage of the sun today and doing yet more laundry – I live alone so have no idea where it all comes from! :icon_confused: I will probably set up the garden umbrella later and spend time sitting in the garden reading!

Take care – have a lovely day everyone


Yep I have met a few from here who have visited the UK thinking 24/25°would be easy, poo pooing any suggestion that it would be even warm, until they found the humidity and the lack of air conditioning, especially on public transport, made it unbearable.


Good morning everyone. Another hot day - we must have done something right to get several nice days in a row!
I had a battle with ants yesterday evening when I found quite a swarm of them coming in through the patio doors including flying ants, even though the doors were closed at the time. They were all over my dog’s bed which is adjacent to the doors! On going outside I found a nest just below the doors and poured boiling water onto it - I know that sounds barbaric but I didn’t know what else to do and remembered my mother doing that many years ago. I just don’t want them inside the house. However, that made things inside worse because even more were coming inside! I can’t use ant powder because of my dog so I took to Mr Google for a solution. White vinegar and water was suggested so I wiped the area down with that and it did the trick almost immediately - though the kitchen did smell a bit like a fish and chip shop for the remainder of the evening! Apparently it’s the smell of the vinegar which the ants don’t like. I haven’t seen one ant in home today so I am off to stock up with white vinegar just in case.
Later I am out for lunch with a friend. We go to a restaurant which is next to the Grand Union Canal so that should be quite relaxing on a hot day. Coffee and cake in someone else’s garden sounds lovely Sheila, especially when the cake is homemade.
Happy Friday!


Good morning everyone, went into town very early this morning to avoid the heat, hurried back, by 10am I was at home, that’s it for the day. We’re already at 33C at 11am so it’s just another scorching hot, humid day again.
I’m glad to hear my fellow UK nationals are finally get Summer weather :grinning:
Having had the experience of living both in England and living here in Italy, I’ve noticed that when temperatures reached about 25C in London, it felt like 35C here! :open_mouth: Whereas 25C here is just warm, not hot. It’s the high 30s and 40 which are unbearable,and these excessive temperatures always arrive with high humidity.
I suppose those of you living in rural areas feel the heat and humidity less, just like I do, compared to those living in town.
If any of you have ever visited an Italian city in August you may have noticed absence of locals and many shops closed “for holiday”. City centres are deserted, everyone escapes to the beach or up in the mountains. Mind you, because of our eternal economy crisis, this is becoming a thing of the past, not everyone can afford to escape! :neutral_face: Perhaps just for a few days, instead of weeks.
I suppose we’re lucky to live in the hills, a place which many holiday-makers choose for a Summer break.
We’re worse off in the Winter though! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Enjoy your sunshine.


Good Morning From Foxy’s Part of the World
Nice and warm with clear blue skies and hardly any wind
Good day to get the bike out.
I went early to avoid the heat and the traffic and rolled out at 6:45 am. Made good time for the first five miles, but the legs were soon complaining and I could only manage short bursts of speed after that. I arrived home after 15 hard miles and realised I had worked harder than I intended, and the legs are still aching
Good training though and I haven’t got much happening for the rest of the day except a visit to the hospital this afternoon for a lung function test.
On the news it said their was a global computer outage and many planes had been grounded, and apparently some places in Australia people were unable to use cards

I’ve always said that computers can’t be relied upon


Careful not to overdo things Foxy - hope the test goes well this afternoon

Many GP surgeries in UK are also turning away patients because they are unable to access the patients records and I gather some supermarkets are also unable to take card payments and are only accepting cash - wonder if all those self service tills are working!!


A most lovely Friday morn to all, a most lovely Friday morn, indeed.

“On this Feel-Good Friday, may your coffee be strong, your smiles be genuine, and your day be sprinkled with the simple joys that elevate your spirit.You deserve it!”

Have a safe and joyful Friday :smiley:


Good morning! A quick check-in before a drive through the countryside to take my neighbor to a nearby town for an ultrasound for suspected kidney stones. The boat (see yesterday’s post) is out of one of the main road arteries, which should make for easier driving. After that, I am later learning how to use a drone with altitude stamps. It’s always satisifying to try something new - I just have to battle past my mental lameness, bad coordination, and repeated mistakes made to get to that level of satisfaction!

Have a nice day!


Good evening all!

A late one from me

Took Chilli jnr to Brighton before the schools break up and it all becomes unbearable!

Sadly a well respected family business ’ Dockerills’ is going to have to shut down in September, they’ve only been around for one hundred and nine years!

Enjoy the rest of your day people!


It looks like you found a perfect spot for an afternoon glass. I hope you and Chilli Jr. enjoyed your outing. Good to see the pictures~



Heaven help me
the spaghetti pile of cables with dozens of different fitting types, the chargers of every sort
 I could take a pitchfork to the lot, but there is another dweller in this place who wants to keep them f o r e v e r.

Are they fragrant bay laurels? If so, the payoff is in the lovely aroma.

That sounds heavenly. I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off today!

I am happy to hear that the vinegar worked. American ants don’t like it much either :rofl:.

Because of school schedules, we have only traveled to Italy in late summer. The heat seemed to result in lighter crowds - and heavenly evenings. We didn’t notice the locals being on vacation until we went up to the Dolomites, which seemed like a popular spot, but we didn’t notice since we were outdoors most of the time. What we did notice was how spectacularly polite, kind, and happy Italians are. I envy your hill living, Rose. I grew up in the hill country of California, which I find almost identical to your part of the world.

So excellent for you, OGF! I just got my girl, a light blue ten-speed beach cruiser, back from the bike shop for some gear adjustments, so I am eager to get her out on the road. I used to run a 5K and then cool down with a ten-mile cool down, so I am thinking about giving that a go. I am astounded by your recovery; you are setting the bar very high!

I am off to sand steps at the beach place for some touchup painting and then I am making a southern dish for dinner (corn, onion, bell pepper, okra, and tomatoes with cast iron cornbread).

BTW, and I forgot to mention it, but @Bruce, I am in so much agreement with you about the nature of chat on this forum. What most people think as mundane, everyone’s everyday experiences, that are really the most interesting - especially as far-flung as we are from one another.

Have a fine evening!


Thanks Sheila, the very pleasant nurse overseeing the test was very pleased with the way I performed the tests, although the results won’t be known for a week or two after the consultant has had a chance to study them.
I’ll try to take your advice about ‘Overdoing it’ Sheila, but I’ve got history at being stupid

Your bike sounds perfect Surfer, I always regret not attempting a triathlon, running was always my first discipline but I’ve also been a keen cyclist, mainly when I was injured from running, and I’ve done a few long distance swims of around a mile
Sadly, most of that is behind me now
But I’ll go down kicking and screaming