Good Morning Friday,19th April 2024

Good morning to all who follow.

It is looking like another day where rain is forecast but doesn’t eventuate however it is definitely cool, just managed to scrape up to 20°.

Took the dog for a walk this morning before I dragged my bins in. I am leaving them in the front garden, I have mixed feelings about that, it is much easier to put them out each week but less convenient for taking out the rubbish to them. Will see how I get on with them at the front.

You can see where I cut the Lilly Pilly back to make room for them.

You’ll never guess my house number!!

My grandkids are going back to Canberra this arvo but I have enjoyed looking after the younger one, the eldest is knackered from his trip yesterday I think they caught the 2am train back from Sydney this morning (used to be the milk train)

Anyway enjoy your Friday…


Hi all! Good morning Bruce! I was wondering about “32” when you answered it. It sounds like it was good visit!

My commute is done for the week. Going to try and read a little and get ready for bed.

Have a good day!

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Maybe some sand and large flat patio blocks will make it fun. Just dig it down a lil bit for the blocks and then fill in the cracks with bags of sand. Even a Walk to the Drive from there for a Plan that is bigger then both of us melds. … :rofl:


Good morning all,

The plan was to take a trip down to Brighton today. The weather forecast has deteriorated since yesterday but the good news is that tomorrow looks as if we’re actually going to be blessed with some sunshine :sun_with_face:
Glory be!! The trip is postponed until tomorrow.

Just pottering around at home today then, ironing etc and a DVD tonight… fine by me :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Have a good day forum people :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Morning all – started sunny but now grey and overcast :frowning_face:

I am sure you will miss your grandchidren Bruce - although a friend once told me that she loved her grandchildren to bits but also loved being able to hand them back :laughing:

Met with friends for our usual Thursday coffee and cake get together yesterday at the local community centre. A friend who has had a serious operation was there and was looking pale but well. Chatting and laughing for so long that the staff were giving subtle hints for us to leave (supposed to finish at 1.00 pm) – well not so subtle as they were packing the chairs away! :blush:

Strange thing happened when queuing at the pharmacy (there is always a queue). A little girl around 3 years old suddenly toddled up to me and wrapped her arms around my legs! Made me think how times have changed because in the past I would probably have laughed, talked to her and possibly picked her up but instead I didn’t touch her and immediately started looking around for her mother. Spotted her busy checking products on a shelf, totally oblivious of where her daughter was. Little girl eventually went back to her mother only to return and wrap her arms around my legs again!

Pharmacy had not lost my medication so all is well for the next month!

Gardener is due around lunchtime today – hopefully he will be able to deal with the weeds growing between the pavers.

Daily Beastie update: She obviously thinks she has been too kind as this morning she had left 2 gifts for me, one next to the sideboard and the other under the kitchen counter! :rage: I sat down to rest my foot and she jumped up on my lap demanding to be petted!

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning all :slight_smile: Have a great Friday :slight_smile:


Good morning all. Nothing happening today except an appointment early afternoon, which will be a pain to get to. Twenty five miles there and back, gridlocked roads due to roadworks everywhere, and being Friday, ten times worse!

Grumble over, ignore me - have a pleasant day everyone. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :deciduous_tree:
A bit overcast and blustery this morning but it is milder and most of all dry…
Wait a minute, was that a quick shower of rain blowing through on the brisk wind?
I hope it stops soon so I can walk down to the chemist to pick up my prescription…Didn’t want to get the car out… :red_car:
Did my walk this morning, just the short course and jogged most of it, after the visit to the chemist I need to put a new support in the tree that’s growing against the gate. I only planted it last year and the stake I used seems to be coming loose.
I’m a bit annoyed at McVities, I’ve just been dunking one of their chocolate digestives and was surprised to see it fitted into my mug… :astonished:
They never used to fit before and I had to bite one side off…I hope they are not ripping us off by making the biscuits smaller and still charging the same price… :face_with_monocle:
Our bin day yesterday Bruce, but they’ve been getting a bit fussy just lately about what goes in the blue recycling bin…Some people have been fined and the bin men have refused to empty their bins. So if in doubt, it’s going to go into the black general rubbish bin.
Hope the weather cheers up for you tomorrow Chilli…We’ll be expecting photos… :+1:
Sad but true Sheila, you’ve got to be careful around kids these days, especially us blokes.
Picking up ones prescription is the highlight of our lives these days Sheila…
And despite their moods, I wish we still had a cat…I don’t think I’ve ever not had one up until now.
Join the club Anise, there is no way in or out of town here where there aren’t roadworks happening.


started to rain yet again this afternoon staying indoors


Afternoon Gents, Its 5 o’clock somewhere! ha ha


I put a map of the world on the wall this evening. I then gave Sue a dart and said whatever
you hit with the dart I will pay for a two week holiday in that country. Sue threw the dart. Looks as if those two weeks will be behind the fridge.

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That’s exactly my attitude, even with my own kids, I love seeing them but I must admit I am glad when I get the house to myself again after their visit.