Good Morning Friday, 18th October 2024

Good morning to you all on this rather damp but warm Friday.

The wild weather has not eventuated (so far) merely the occasional burst of light rain. It might be stormier inland. A number of power towers were blown down yesterday about 56 kilometres south of Broken Hill, where seven large transmission towers had crumpled.

All is sweetness and light here so far, the rain is welcome.

King Charlie arrives in Sydney this arvo, they forgot to invite me to greet him so I am boycotting it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Look forward to the weekend folks. Enjoy the day…


We had some rain, 42 millimetres in 2 hours apparently.That stat doesn’t mean much to me but it was quite a lot.And I’m Welsh so I know all about rain.According to the Bom radar there’s a lot more to come today too.


@Bruce you mentioned Broken Hill. That use to appear on my BHP check stubs. It’s an actual place I’m assuming, now. For the longest I wondered why would a company pick the name “Broken Hill”. Will try and google shortly. Even fallen, the power towers look artsy.

Sounds like it’s raining down under.

Hoping no more hurricanes this year. Have a good day for those in morning. good night to the rest myself included! :slight_smile:


Yep that’s where BHP started mining. It is actually near the SA border and adopts SA time ie half an hour later than the rest of NSW, it’s about 1500km from Sydney (from memory) and closer to Adelaide. The map shows the Shire rather than just the town. It is an interesting place to visit takes me at least a couple of days to drive there


Good morning - A foggy start to the day but forecast to clear and get windy with some rain. Typical of a foggy morning is the mist clinging to spider webs. Saw this one on a nearby roof this morning and zoomed in on it. Probably been there unseen for ages by me and any unfortunate flying insects…

The Sun is starting to show as I write, so I expect it will soon become invisible again.

Have a good day :slight_smile:


Morning all – a bit overcast this morning but sunshine promised for later, although not as much as we had yesterday

I am sure your lack of invitation was an oversight Bruce, Charles will be bitterly disappointed that you will not be there! :089:

My neighbour called in yesterday to carry out some repairs for me – it did mean missing my usual coffee, cake and gossip with the girls but it was worth it to no longer have to shower in semi-darkness! I received several texts from them asking where I was, so they obviously miss my sparkling wit!

This morning’s plan is some grocery shopping and ironing. I finished my book yesterday and the new ones are not due for delivery until tomorrow!! What am I going to do with my afternoon? :100:

Neighbours have invited me out for dinner tonight which is always enjoyable.

Take care – have a great day

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It’s spider October here too, Mart! What a work of art that is! It’s all I can do to get breakfast on the table. Incredible.

@Sheila, you seem to have some very nice neighbors and a lovely neighborhood. I hope you have a nice dinner with friends :blush:.

@Bruce we have had our first cold front of the year, which to Floridians, is as brutal as a Cat 4 hurricane. This is the month that we se spiders, dragonflies, and neighbors who have been hiding in their air-conditioned houses for the first time since May :laughing:.

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 8.32.33 AM

Meanwhile all of Florida and most of North Carolina is a construction zone. The guys who travel from around the country to put the electrical grid back together are incredible. I have a great deal of respect for them:

Have a nice day!


Have you always lived in that area of the USA and experienced this sort of thing often?

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I seem to have a penchant for natural disasters. Among the dozen states I’ve lived in:

  • California, where I experienced many major earthquakes including one that cracked the living room ceiling and shook the entire house, sending waves sloshing across the swimming pool,

  • Kansas where I have experienced tornadoes - a few too close for comfort,

  • Texas where we had tornadoes and sandstorms,

  • Illinois, where we had a month of wind chill factors below -51 ° that left my roommates cars frozen (they forgot to park them facing south) and the warning from work that if we wore pantyhose it would freeze to our legs - so we were given a pass to wear pants,


  • Hawaii where we had both major earthquakes and spectacular volcanic eruptions of the flowing sort that cut off roads and left us with days of vog.

I’ve experienced about a half dozen major hurricanes and a major flooding event (at my house) here in Florida.

I love this planet :volcano: :earth_asia: :tornado: :ocean: :cloud_with_snow:


Don’t ever move to Australia :icon_wink: we have enough trouble already.

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Well, dang. There goes my retirement plans.

Want to trade a few natural disasters for a deadly species or two just to balance things out a bit?

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We are lucky to have you still on the planet. :grinning:

To be honest I think I prefer the deadly species. :smile: Don’t forget Cyclone Tracy wiped Darwin off the map in 1974.

That literally made made me laugh out loud! :rofl:

Now you know why I took up running. :laughing:

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Well, we’ve got those too. Remember, I had to yield to an alligator crossing the road a couple of weeks ago…

Off to read about Cyclone Tracy.