Good morning fellow forum felons, it’s a cool overcast day here again with the maximum temp of only 22° and more rain this arvo - we don’t need it now…
I have collected one bin from the kerb just waiting for the recycling bin to be emptied, no idea why it is so late these days.
Yesterday my son, grandkids and dog arrived, apparently I am looking after them for a couple of days while the parents to a show in Sydney. The only problem was that they forgot to tell me so I had to rush around getting their room ready. On the up side they did treat me to a meal at the club in the evening.
Spent a bit of time in the front garden pulling up weeds, I am afraid I tend to let them grow then have a blitz on them but the rain makes it so much easier to pull them up.
Will have to go shopping later for kid tucker.
Have a lovely Friday, to all the workers out there the weekend is beckoning.
Good morning - Another dull but dry one with a temperature of 5ºC at 9.20 A.M.
Changing the bedroom ceiling light today. I fitted an 18 watt flush-mounting LED one some weeks ago but it is far too bright. Changing it for a 12 Watt one. Fixing up the 18 watt light up in the garage to take the place of the existing florescent tube fitting.
Morning all – dull overcast start to the day – hope it improves
I am sure it was a lovely surprise when your family turned up Bruce – I know you will enjoy having them stay with you
Was surprised yesterday to receive my new driver’s licence – can’t believe how quickly it came through – so I am now legal to drive for the next 3 years. (in the UK anyone over the age of 70 has to renew their licence every 3 years)
Local radio is reporting several “wassailing” events taking place this weekend. This is a West Country tradition where people gather in orchards, chanting and singing to the trees, some shooting arrows or shotguns to frighten off evil spirits and ensure a good harvest. The tradition also involves drinking copious amounts of cider! I did attend a couple when I was younger but think I will give it a miss this year!
Today should be a slow today - just having the groceries delivered and a couple of walks with the wee dog. Tomorrow we have the family visiting us which is lovely although there is an issue with my ex…different story. Then on Sunday my sister will have lunch and a long visit,
Decided not to walk on my damaged leg, although it doesn’t feel too bad this morning. The bike decided that if I wasn’t walking then I should be out riding it, so it conveniently took itself out of the summer house and leant against the wall in anticipation…How could I disappoint it…
So I’ll have a burn up around the quiet roads of Braithwaite.
The sun has just come out in approval, and with a temperature of almost 7 degrees C it has promises of a decent outing.
That’s what I did @mart I replaced the 8 foot florescent tube in the garage that I obtained from work (when I worked in the factory) for a couple of 18 watt LED’s. They fire up instantly while you had to wait for the tube sometimes.
Good morning everyone, yet another very cold, grey, dull, damp day, same temperature here @OldGreyFox, I suppose it could be worse for this time of year, I shouldn’t complain really.
That was quick @SheilaP, one thing I definitely miss about the UK is the efficiency.
I have to renew my license too in August, I’ll have to contact the agency at least a month in advance, to ensure I receive my new one in time.
Our “snow scare” seems to be over for the time being, hope it stays that way.
The skies are bright blue but the temperatures have plummeted. Incredibly, snow is in. our forecast for next week. It will probably change, but the last time it snowed here was 1997. @Rose2, I hope it is just a scare. Most people around here have never seen snow, let alone drive in it.
Bruce and Mart, enjoy your family visits!
I’m off to another university to guest lecture on lunar formation. Have a great day!
You know you are old when people start discussing the replacement of overhead lights and all you think about is how good that is for shoulder mobility. Aren’t I fun . Good work, gentlemen .
@OldGreyFox, I haven’t caught up with threads, but I am really sorry you are out of commission on the running front. Leave it to you to find a better option. From what I have seen, you have permutations of pretty places to pedal .
@OldGreyFox - I had a bike like that but found that being bent over to one degree or another a bit of a strain. When I first went off-road riding, it wasn’t suitable at all and I got a road bike with straight handlebars. The racer then fell into disuse and in the end I gave it to a friend.
Even the road bike was a mistake and after some buckled wheels, I got a mountain bike (Claud Butler) with strong wheels. After a few punctures, I fitted ‘Dutch Perfect’ tyres and never got a puncture thereafter. I still have this bike and might give it another go come the better weather and health difficulties permitting.
Regarding the light, I still have 3 florescent ones up in the loft that I might change. They were the best thing to have 25 years ago when I fitted them but LED lights would be much better (and fewer watts).
That’s interesting in NSW the licence is still every five years but over75 you have to produce a medical certificate every year, it’s electronic so it is just a visit to your GP. Once you turn 85 it is a driving test every two years or you can opt for a restricted licence. That 85 business is only in NSW as far as I know other states don’t do that.
On the bright side the licence and car rego are free for all pensioners.
As for renewing, here you just go to the local Service NSW office, they take your photo and do it on the spot over the counter.