Good Morning Friday, 16th February 2024

Good morning to all the fantastic Friday forum freaks out there. How is the world treating you?

Another dull day here, only forecast to get to 24° however the weekend is said to have temperatures in the 30s.

The TV weatherman predicted “drizzle” today, such a rare occurrence here that he felt the need to define it. Apparently it is rain from low level cloud where the drops have not had time to coalesce so the droplet size is 0.5mm or less. You learn something every day. I do recall drizzle was common in England, is that still so?

Anyway late last night my DiL, dog and grandkids arrived, she and the eldest have already left for Sydney on the train mid morning my son has a flat there. The dog and I went for a morning walk (in the drizzle), my youngest grandchild has made one brief appearance this morning for his breakfast before returning to chat on line to his friends. He is a very fussy eater but prolific talker.

We might go to the shops later for milk.

Have you got a more exciting day planned?

Take care…

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Good morning!
Dull but dry

Pottering about this morning, then in the afternoon I’ll have a walk to a friend’s house and collect a wood carving rasp I lent him just before Christmas
His house is about a mile away; I could drive, but I’ll walk as I’ve been cooped up for ages with my cold

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Morning all - another grey dull start to the day, although we are being told it will brighten up later. Gardener arrived yesterday and managed to tidy the garden before the heavy rain started.

Met up with friends yesterday - not seen them for a couple of months so a lot of catching up! Very little planned for today

Enjoy the time with your grandchild Bruce

Hope everyone has a lovely day

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Daughters birthday today. Oh! Yes, I remember that day well. :grinning:
To celebrate she is taking me to an indoor car boot sale. :grinning:
Hope everyone here has a good day too.

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Morning all

Washing on line blowing nicely popping to the allotment to paint a bench maybe both and a bit of tidying, taking the radio with me so will listen and paint LOL .
Then not sure what really have a great day all.

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good morning, a bit late for me, but, after our visit yesterday from my wife’s brother, over from Norway, his daughter sent us some chocolate brownies she had made. I couldn’t manage it after our meal, but…I am often up and making a cup of tea about 4am and sometimes take a few biccies back to bed with me. mmmm i spotted the chocolate brownie and took it back to bed with me. It was thick, sticky and very yummie. I nodded off again and got up 2 hours later than usual

Morning walkies done in the rain, then a latte and cake in the garden room. Life is hard, innit


Good afternoon Forum Addicts…I tried to get my post in before lunchtime but daughter rang to tell me we are officially in a recession… :open_mouth: and she can talk for England on the phone…Which is a surprise, because when they visit on a Saturday for their tea, and we are face to face, they are both scrolling on their phones and we don’t get a word out of either of them.
Yes Bruce we get ‘Drizzled to Death’ here in South Yorkshire and apparently they are using a new word (new to me anyway) ‘Mizzle’ low cloud or mist and drizzle…
11 degrees C today and cloudy, some rain in the night but a good forecast for the rest of the day. Got my walk done early and with a flat calm on the surface of the canal decided it would be a good day to dust off the drone. Perhaps after I’ve been to the B&Q for some stuff, how I despise those ceramic quarter turn taps…dripping all of the time and the glands come in at about £15 for the pair. What ever happened to the 10 pence per washer type…

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