Good Morning Friday 15th September 2023

Morning all!

I sent off that email I planned to send and another for good measure yesterday.

Been enjoying an app that I’ve been trying out off and on for a while. It has gotten so much better lately.

I’m hoping to do some relaxing today.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning butter.

Had a reasonable night’s sleep. Dog and I were both in bed before 8.30 I think, without a late walk. She went in the garden in the night.

Still undecided as to whether I need a doctor. The throat doesn’t seem as sore on waking up but my head is still full of the cold. Another few more days I think.

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Good morning everyone

Hope you poorly sick ones feel better soon.

I had a lovely day yesterday…had lunch at the West Park Hotel in Harrogate…not been there for ages…it was nice.

Have a decorater coming today to give me a price for the hall and staircase decorating we’ve done it once a few months ago ourselves but its not right so we decided to get it done properly its a big job so when he tells me the price I expect to be shocked

Good weather forecast for the weekend…yippee!!

Have a good one all

Good morning all.

Janet, I would phone your GP, look at me when I had it, it lasted 2 weeks, I should have seen the Doctor earlier.

Have a nice day all.

or perhaps have a word with the pharmacist they are very good and quite available.

Good morning all
it feels like a proper Autumn morning , my windows have a little condensation.
May take up the Gerainiums , they are past their best ,well worth the 50p each for the cuttings I bought , made beautiful plants.

Have a good day

Susie, but did you have a cold and cough with yours? I have googled and googled it, and it seems to be viral, not bacterial.

Good morning!
Dry & warm weather …

… but not so for yours truly
I felt fine last night, but woke up sneezing, sniffly, and feeling cold, so much that I put the heating on for a while
Now i’m a bit more awake, but don’t feel like doing much … don’t feel like reading … nothing on TV … might go back to bed for a couple of hours
Fortunately I have lots of food in

Morning all! A little sharp in the early morning. Not a lot happening today.

Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :026:
Feeling good this morning so to celebrate I went out at 7:30am and did my 3 mile walk. The weather was beautiful, no wind and a just a sprinkling of high cloud with the warm sun finding plenty of gaps and warming my cockles…It was so good to be out after being cooped up in the house for a couple of weeks, first with gout, and then Covid…
@summer we stayed at the West Park Hotel in Harrogate a few years ago when we celebrated our friends 80th birthday. Nice Hotel and good food…
Sorry to hear Zulu and Jazzi are feeling under the weather…Get well soon…
I’m going to visit the local recycling centre later to dispose of some furniture that has become surplus to requirement now our daughter and hubby have moved into their new home…
I get my garage back…whoopeee… :038:

Get well soon Zulu, and glad Bob is feeling well.

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Well, I’ve had an hour or so in bed and now I feel slightly better … but only slightly, mind you

For breakfast - cum - dinner I had a couple of mugs of hot sweet tea with a dose of rum in them, and canned rice pudding eaten straight out of the can
It was rice pud & sultanas, which look not unlike dead flies

Now besides some comfy warm clothes including a down filled body warmer I’m watching daytime TV - Oh what a thrilling life I lead!

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