Good Morning Friday - 15th October

Good Morning everyone.

I’m late on parade this morning - had a sick cat to deal with!

Dull but dry here today. Meeting a friend for shopping and lunch.

Have a safe day

Good morning everybody! Sorry to hear about your poorly cat, Tabby :frowning: Hope he gets better soon.
Up here its apparently going to be sunshine all day, so I’m going to soak up all the vitamin D I can get. The trees are starting to turn into some lovely colours so might get some nice autumnal photos. Have a lovely day everyone :wave:


Thanks, Pixie, it was Willow (the female one) who was poorly. Nemo came and alerted me - danced about on my stomach until I woke up! Willow’s temperature and heart rate are almost back to normal now and I have kept her hydrated. Nemo has given her a good wash and she is resting in her bed by the radiator. Have put the CH on for her!

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Dry but cloudy here.

Autumn is well and truly here, leaves all over the place.

Central Heating is on now permanently, but only in the rooms I use.

Heating costs are becoming an issue.

Good morning ST (I hope your cat feels better soon) & OFC folks!

This morning it is 22 degrees Celsius here yes, you read that right, with a high of 30 degrees Celsius!

It’s a FriYAY! Not much in the way of work today since the gentleman in our team are hosting a virtual ladies night this afternoon!

They’re so sweet, they even sent us ladies Uber Eats vouchers so no cooking tonight either!

I just can’t resist

Good morning all.
The sun is out.
ST hope Willow will be ok, nice of Nemo to alert you.
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Hope ST’s cat will be ok.

No plans here.

Morning all, dry and mild for the dog walk this morning, nowt planned or will be done today, well I’ve just done 4 days at work. :grinning:

And a very good morning from me too. Nice and bright here but quite a chill in the air, anyone would think it’s October …

Tesco shop done and dogs walked, just having a brew now before doing a bit more on the bedroom window canopy, but no other plans yet.

Best wishes to Willow ST, hope she’s OK now…

Wishing you a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good morning everybody.

Sorry Willow’s poorly ST. Hope she gets better soon.

I’m feeling a bit gloomy this morning - should have been on my way to Blackpool now for the weekend.

I fell down on Weds & sprained my ankle. That combined with nerve pain going down my other leg from trapped nerve leaves me with no good leg to stand on!!

Cancelled the weekend & lost the money. :pensive:

Just going to spend the day pottering about & nursing my ankle with ice packs.

Have a good day all…

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Morning all, another dull but dry start to the day, think there might be sun later.

@carol oh lord you’re really in the wars lately! What rotten luck to have an accident just before you were due to go away for a break. Poor you, hope you’ll be feeling better soon.

Have a good day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: dull nd damp but I am not complaining after the recent warm sunny days.

I am having a quiet day making bread and I might do some gingerbread men for the children too.
Enjoy your day :grinning:

@SilverTabby ST I hope Willow will be better soon…

Good morning all :slight_smile: Have a lovely day :smiley:


Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: the sun is beginning to push its way through the cloudy sky, looks like another dry but cooler day ahead.

Just one item out of stock in my Sainsbury’s delivery yesterday, that was Shredded Wheat but I can manage without that.

@SilverTabby poor Willow, Tabby, I’m sure she will enjoy a bit of extra fuss today to make her feel better. :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face: