Good Morning Friday,14th March 2025

Good Morning frolicsome, forum, followers on this fiery, Friday, forenoon. Temps in the mid to high 30s until a cooler southerly change on Monday.

Was out in the garden early getting the lawn mowed before the heat set in, mowed the front grass and driveway yesterday.

After my shower and breakfast followed this effort up with a visit to the Post Office to buy one of their prepaid, plastic, package envelopes. I was a bit surprised to find it could contain up to 5kg though it would have to be a block of lead to achieve that weight I would have thought. I only wanted to send a pile of envelopes/statement to my youngest son in Darwin (he uses my address for his share transactions) but, as a good dad :icon_wink:, I also included a couple of Cherry Ripes.

I hobbled down to the postbox because by now my back was killing me (too much mowing :frowning_face: ) so it was time for some of my lovely oxycondone and a lie down!

A slight change in the back of the camper where I found that the varnish takes ages to harden even though it dried days ago so have put some baking paper where it touches other varnished surfaces to stop the sticking. It doesn’t seem to damage the finish at all, it’s just annoying. A friend told me it could take a month before the tackiness disappears completely - oil based varnish. Ho hum…

Trip to Bunnings postponed until Sunday morning, need to take it easy for the rest of today…

Are you looking forward to the weekend? Have a good one.

Take care


Morning all – cold dull and overcast today

Neighbours went off to join their Caribbean cruise in the early hours of this morning. They must have been in a hurry because they left the key in the door!!

They also left a gift bag for my birthday tomorrow – and a cake! Haven’t looked in the bag but from the weight there must be at least one bottle of wine in there!

Beast not happy to be kept waiting for her breakfast – I go in around 8.30 which is later than she is normally fed but I need that time to make myself look vaguely human (don’t want to frighten the poor animal!)

Met with the girls yesterday, there was a lady sitting on her own and we asked her to join us adding another member to the group.

Plans for today are to go to a coffee get together at the church, although as I got very little sleep last night may give that a miss

Take care – have a great day


Good morning all

I have a online food delivery today , Fish mostly to take me through a week or two ,

Saturday will see me supervising the assembly of a Gate , and no doubt a walk in the fields ,lanes which will revive my senses

And Sunday I shall be going to a Concert , Ive got a Dog sitter in , so I shall dance and singalong to the songs I know .
Screenshot 2025-03-14 at 10.37.06


Good Morning Everyone… :kite:
Sunny spells but still a cold wind coming down from the north. I’ll go and check the wind sock to see if its safe to fly the drone, might be a little bit rusty having not flown it since last year.
Not a good night last night after the knee kept me awake until I administered some paracetamol, I’m just waiting for a telephone appointment from my doctor, although his English isn’t good and I can hardly understand him when we’re face to face…I think I’ll go to spain because the last time I was there I saw a sign saying “English speaking Doctors”
@Bruce be careful when painting an oil based paint onto some surfaces because it doesn’t dry very well…


That north east wind makes for dramatic skies here on the south coast Weather Blinking cold .

Hi In hospital wired up and drips. Had a bad bout of heart failure
yesterday ambulance came from Dudley 50 miles away
My lungs are filling with fluid so on oxygen etc .

All good fun.

Nice to see you posting Ripple