Good Morning - Friday 13th May

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone - hands up all those who will be staying in bed today because of the date?

I will be out - roaming the shops - in search of curds. Have a fancy to make some traditional Yorkshire Curd tarts - have never made them before - but I do like eating them! Thinking about it - it would probably be better to make my own curds - then they would be really fresh. OK - just talked myself into doing that. Done a dawn raid on my neighbours rhubarb patch - so will be making rhubard and ginger crumbles as well. Then - Have ten birthday cards to make for June/July.

Have a safe day!

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Good Morning All.

ST, nope, not staying in due to Friday 13th.

I don’t do superstition.

I have some gentle house and garden work to do today, not up to much else at the moment.

Have a good day all.

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Rained this morning fine this arvo, waiting for my son to call in on his way to Canberra.

Have a good one

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Good morning Tabs Swimmy and Bruce and all who follow

I’m out to lunch today with pals we are off to a gorgeous little pub in Knaresborough…a favourite so I’m looking forward to that.

The build is going well they are digging footings today so its all systems go :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone

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Nah definately not. I grew up with the door number 13.
Good morning all, nice and sunny here.
Off out at 7.45am to do our weekly shopping.
Have a nice day all.

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Well I can’t recall staying in bed for a year when I reached 13. :innocent:

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Morning all.

Never gave the date a thought.

Not sure what I shall be up to today. It all depends on the weather, how sunny/windy it gets.

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Good morning, waiting for Tesco delivery then out for lunch with eldest daughter and son in law.

Morning everybody…I have an unexpected day off today and am giddy with delight! So I don’t really know what I’ll be doing with myself yet. Not superstitious at all, but its a day off so I’m taking that as a good luck omen! :joy:

Good morning all :grinning: a cool mix of sun and cloud today, ‘could be better’.

I have plans to plant a few bedding plants in the garden today, how far I will get remains to be seen as I’m having difficulty bending.

At the moment I’m waiting for my Sainsbury’s grocery delivery.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

Morning all.
Cool and breezy here at the mo, though they’ve forecast maybe 24 degs later.

I’m off out in to the second hand shop in a mo, I am hoping to find an old table for my shed just to use to as a potting table/work table. A few phone calls to make first though.

Have a good day folks.

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Just got back from having the covid vaccination booster jab for the over 75 yr olds. the place was packed again and had to wait my turn, No sun shine today and a lot cooler, will hae to do my daily walk this afternoon now

Happy hunting!

morning all, dull and windy here, 14 celsius but meant to get up to 18 with sunshine, will look forward to that if it happens.

I did stay in bed today but not because it’s the Friday the 13th, but because I have the day off work. It was so good to turn over at 6.30am.

I’m about to set off for a lung scan…they are giving the over 60s lung scans if you are in the ‘at risk’ category and seeing I was a heavy smoker up until 15 years ago and I had pneumonia they say I should have one.

Afterwards, I’m going to the craft shop in Cleckheaton.

Dads afterwards and then I have to have my B12 injection at 2.50pm with the nurse.

Then home to craft, craft and more craft.

Have a good 'un.

Love Me xxxx

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Afternoon all

Off today and looking forward to doing nowt with intermittent flurries of activity…LOL Have started a new book well kindle book and looks like it will be absorbing Boudica: Dreaming The Eagle: book 1 of 4., it is a fictional story of Boadicea but so far so good.

Not us. We had to get up early because the peeps came to pick up the wrongly delivered sideboard at 08:00 (our normal get up time is 08:50).

One of my favorite dates! Less people booking appointments, on flights, having surgery, all around a good day.

Going to be a hot one today, 80 degrees F, so will be treating myself kindly, after yesterday’s chore of washing and rehanging my curtains.

Have a fine 13th everyone.

I have no superstition with that date or any other. We have had a rather busy day, We went to Aldi for a few things. It’s a fair walk so we walked the dog. My wife handled the dog and I strung along with the two shopping trolleys. She went in and I waited with Fido. Then we went home. By the time we got there the two landscape gardeners were already at work. Then my missus and the lady across the road went to a furniture store to get a new chest of drawers. In the mean time the Tesco van showed up for the week’s shopping. Next it was the meat man. Then the gardeners came back with the rest of the turf. All go!

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