Good Morning Friday 12th July 2024

Good morning to you all on this modestly sunny day.

Was up early to pick up a parcel from my PO Box - this was some polyester material intended (I think) for outdoor furniture. Before I went out I put my bedding in the washing machine to put on the line when I got back.

Afterwards a quick drive to Bunnings to pick up some C section sail track and elastic cord for a project for my camper (Who doesn’t love Bunnings?)

Have spent the rest of the morning measuring and cutting metal to size.

My daughter is arriving this evening and my sons tomorrow to plan their overseas trip together.

Have a wonderful Friday, for all you workers it is the weekend tomorrow!

Take care.


Good morning - A grey day but should stay dry. The temperature at 9.00 a.m. is 14ºC. Where has summer gone this year?

No plans. Just see what the day brings along.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Morning all,

I’m having one of those days too mart.

Todays the day for plugging in my new modem: done, and I’ve got internet working but no phone. I’ve said before that the phone is not used anyway, and I don’t know if my existing handset needs updating. I might try making more sense of it all later.

I’m off out now for a wonder/wander. Mrs d00d’s gone to the gym.


Good morning everyone!
I’ve just returned from the farm shop laden with fruit - I do enjoy my fruit. I don’t have much else planned for today except maybe some gardening later - the weeds seem to pop up overnight at the moment!
There won’t be much cricket to watch because the WI are 79 for 6 in their second innings - they need another 171 runs to just draw level with England. Gone are the days when WI were the ones to beat, in the Viv Richards days. I feel sorry for those who have tickets for the fourth and maybe the fifth days at Lord’s - I expect they will get their money back but what a let down for those who were hoping to enjoy some Test Match cricket.
Bunnings looks an interesting shop Bruce - I wouldn’t mnd a wander around there myself.
Have a good day everyone - happy Friday!


Good morning folks…or should I say ‘good afternoon’
Felt quite frisky this morning so I jogged and walked my way around a five mile route and came back down the lane. I was surprised how dry it was after a couple of days of rain… :astonished:
Got a phone call from the Citroen dealer to say my wheel arch trim and paint had arrived. The main damage was on the plastic wheel arch trim so at £97 I decided to fit it myself… :face_with_monocle: What could possibly go wrong… :upside_down_face:
The scratches on the paint will benefit from some ‘touch up’ paint…
500 quid my bottom! :009:
That’s the beauty of being an engineer…I’ll have a go at owt’… :grin:

That’s global warming for you Mart…If it rains a lot they say it’s a result of global warming, if there is a heatwave, it’s a result of global warming…In fact…if there’s any weather at all…It’s the result of global warming… :flushed:


Did you try removing the marks with WD40 and a soft sourer first? My son scrapped his new car tried that and all the marks and scratches disappeared, cost him nothing, he used my WD40.


That’s the same phone/answerphone we have d00d. What’s more, your computer looks to be the same one I have. Is it an all-in-one 27" QHD HP?


Ha! great minds, eh!


Yes, a nice computer and display. Mine did develop a fault though. There was a error when booting up. Fortunately, I’d paid to extend the warrantee and HP were very good at carrying it out.

After a chat, they decided it had to go back to them for repair. It was collected the next day and returned two days later. The motherboard had been replaced. Very good service I thought.


Good Morning everyone, a glorious thundery morning it is on the east coast of the US, the rain is a most welcome sight.

“Life gives a new blank
every 24 hours
It’s up to you if you want to
deal with your past or think
about your future live in the present.
Keep smiling , be happy.”

Happy a safe and happy Friday :smiley:


I like HP and their All-in-One machines, this is my second one. The first had a problem but it got sorted over the phone.

Have you gone digital home phone calls yet? Interested to know if your BT phone works with the new system.


Good morning!

Up early to the sight of skinks clinging to the cool windows and Finn standing on me to see whether I was awake (now I am!). We should have named him Photon instead of Finn, since he awakens when the first one shoots over the horizon.

I had a good run this morning; the canopy of trees on the trail cool the air with their respiration, which was a blissful escape from the beach sun. I seem to be huffing and puffing more than usual these days. Old age? Heat? Laziness? It’s always good to read about your outdoor adventures OGF. No excuses, right?

This is the weekend of the annual airshow a fair away, so the tourists are flocking to the beaches. This inclines me to take on a major project, and I’ve been eyeing my son’s desk and bookcase above it that took a childhood beating over the years. I am disinclined to paint wood (it pains me to see trends in which people are painting over beautiful cherry, mahogany, and walnut) but these pieces of furniture do not seem to fall into a category, so I may give it a go. It’s a bit daunting, but I’m in the mood to have to really sink into something challenging. Will see! Either way, I am off to our version of Bunnings - The Home Depot - for sandpaper, sandpaper, and more sandpaper. If I can rig up the vacuum and sheets of plastic in some way to minimize the dust since the monster is too big to move down two flights of stairs…but now my mind is wandering…

Like Margaret, the next stop will be to what my dogs refer to as the “Sacred hunting Grounds Upon Which We May Not Cast Our Eyes” to fill the fridge. They are ever impressed with my hunting and gathering success since I never come back empty handed````

Good luck with the technology, car repairs, sports…


We’re with Virgin Media. I read it is being done but we haven’t been switched over to digital landline yet. They say the old phones will work about the same unless there is a power cut.

The landline doesn’t get used much these days. Some family calls received and made but mostly only get spam and fraudster calls. We could probably do without it.


We went underwear shopping at M&S this morning. I really didn’t want to go. Mrs mart did offer to go on her own but I’m her carer and I’d have been failing in my duties if I’d let her. Off we went together on the bus.

Just as well I was there because there was a bit of organising needed to get the wheelchair into the space provided. Also, a passenger rang the bell for the disabled (has a different tone) when he wanted to get off the bus. I went up and told the driver it wasn’t for the wheelchair, or he would have been out of the cab and dropping the ramp down for no reason. Small things like that can make a difference.

Managed to avoid arrest or suspicion in M&S when getting ladies underwear off the racks for Mrs mart to see. Nobody can see her down in her wheelchair, so it looks like just me getting undies down to look at. :slight_smile:


About an hour ago we had a voice text (?) call from a bot, to say we’ve been activated. So the phone now works. And I called my mobile to confirm that. :+1:


The scratches were far too deep to sand out Bruce. I’ll post some photos tomorrow.
The new wheel arch trim went on without too much bother, so there’s just the paint to make good.

Thanks Surfermom…and as Nike used to say in their advert…“You either ran today, or you didn’t”… :009: Good to hear about your running experiences also…I can still remember how it felt to be cruising along mile after mile… :man_running:
By the way, did you know New Balance started making running shoes in Boston USA ? They opened a factory here in the UK at Workington in the 70’s…Just a family business but nowadays shoes are made in Vietnam…At least here in the UK they are, although they still have a factory in Flimby…
All I know is…They are terrific long lasting shoes… :+1:

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Bunnings Warehouse are massive, the only problem is that they are taking over and local hardware stores are closing. They sell everything from plants to timber and metal.

They are an Australian company part of Wesfarmers and bought Homebase in the UK, rebranded them Bunnings but they didn’t catch on and were too small for their business model, I think they have sold them

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Remarkable similarity, don’t you think?

Probably filled with the same, mostly Chinese, ahem…stuff.

They too knocked out a lot of local hardware stores, but at some point there was some bounce back and we are seeing the return of the smaller stores.

You know when you may have settled into marriage when you refer to going to Home Depot as “date night” :laughing:.