Good Morning Friday, 10th January 2025

Good morning on yet another overcast day with temps only in the mid 20s. Supposed to get some rain today and a flood warning has been issued but so far any rain has passed well to the north of me. In the last 24 hours have only had 9mm.

Kept waking up during the night for some inexplicable reason, it might be because this rain has meant I am not doing much so am not getting tired enough. Whatever the reason it is very annoying.

The bin man cameth, which might be the highlight of my day, I hope not.

I received a message from youngest son telling me that he (and GF) have arrived safely in Darwin and are staying in serviced apartments until they get their house on the 13th. I think she starts work this weekend as a paramedic, not sure when he starts his new job but doubtless any day.

He is basically driving experimental sea going drones about the northern parts of Australia, all done from a laptop in an office in Darwin.

Meanwhile in the temperate zone… whenever there is a lull in the weather I try to get out in the garden messing about with my rainwater tanks. I want to get the pump out to fill the higher tank but the rain is making that difficult (electric pump) and any rain that falls at the moment is going to waste.

Not a very exciting day for me I hope you are doing better. What do you have planned?

Take care…


Good morning all
its another frosty morning …
I might attempt to go and get my meds , but I have no desire to fall over on the slippery pavements , so I just might stay in and wait for a lift …

When it gets light I will break the ice on the bird baths and put some worms out for the visitors.

I may try and further my artistic skills which were not where they should be yesterday … I not done any painting since childhood ,and looking at tuition YouTube makes it look easy .
I will try a bit of abstract painting , all I have to do is splash and flick the paint , :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye:

Enjoy your day.


Apparently the fires in LA are being fed by the Tasmanian Blue Gum brought over to the USA during the gold rush era. Tasmanian Blue Gums love fire, it is the way they propagate (like many Australian trees and shrubs). We know eucalyptus oil burns like buggery.

In California the Blue Gums have a much denser foliage than in Straya because they don’t encounter the insects and the possums that they get in Tassie. They have been there so long that many Yanks think that they are a native tree but they are actually from Tasmania.

Well, there you go. Interesting or what?

(Not from my vast knowledge of things horticultural - it was on TV)


Morning all – another freezing day, top temperature today 2c!

Beast left a little gift this morning but at least she didn’t hide it. Once again she showed no inclination to want to go outside!

Early yesterday afternoon I went to check whether the she wanted to go out – she didn’t but she kept wrapping herself around my legs so either she wanted attention or was trying to trip me up. I sat down and she immediately jumped on my lap so I fussed her for a while until she had enough at which point she jumped down, turned her back and dismissed me!

Catch up with the girls was great fun – they really are a lovely bunch

Today the plan is to try another club – a breakaway group of WI members. A couple of the girls I met up with yesterday have recommended it so will be giving it a go this afternoon

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning - Sunny and still frosty here at 10.45 A.M.

The morning will be spent rigging up some audio stuff in the bedroom.

The doctor phoned here as per a pre-arranged time. The last blood test (taken a couple of weeks ago) was a little disappointing. Got to walk along to the doctors this afternoon for another one. It will be a blinkin’ cold trek but I need the exercise.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


A late good morning all!

Deary me, a bit nippy here in West Sussex. Never mind, by July we’ll be complaining that it’s too hot :wink:

There’s no way I’m venturing out on the bike today, the rear calipers still need some adjustments, that’s my excuse sorted! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good day people, and a hot mug of Bovril or soup too if you feel inclined :+1:


Hello Everyone from Foxy’s World…
Well not quite as bad as that but minus 4 degrees C was a shock to the system when I ventured out for the first time this year and tested myself out on a relaxing walk along the canal towpath and it was almost all frozen up…(the canal not the path)

The sun was out but not much heat in it just yet, I think wearing the bottoms instead of shorts was a good idea, I was only walking so no chance of doing any jogging to warm up. The paths were fairly clear of ice and snow so not much risk of slipping down and going was good. A bloke came the other way who I see regularly, he wondered why I wasn’t in my shorts, I told him that next week it was forecast to be into the teens and that should be it for the rest of the year, winter done! Is that optimistic or what?

That sounds like one interesting job that your son is doing Bruce, better than twisting wires together or standing at the front of a lathe all day… :grin:
A clever fellow like you, I would expect nothing less than a home made Archimedes Screw…
Named for its inventor, the Greek mathematician Archimedes (237-212 BCE), the Archimedes screw is a device for raising water . Essentially, it is a large screw, open at both ends and encased lengthwise in a watertight covering.
Perhaps you could make it wind or solar powered?
Interesting post about the Tasmanian Blue Gum, isn’t that the usual outcome when us humans start tinkering about with nature. You solve one problem, and up pops another.

Be careful on the pavements Eliza, I wait until the sun comes up and melts the frost (at least on one side of the road) I have often thought about taking up a bit of pencil drawing, perhaps caricatures. I bought the pencils and books but haven’t started yet. Sometimes my life gets too busy or the sun comes out and I have to be outside… :sun_with_face:

You seem to have a great understanding and rapport with the cat Sheila, you remind me a lot of my time spent with cats…

Keep well wrapped up Mart and you will be fine. I’m interested to learn why you have been rigging up some audio stuff in the bedroom…?

Not me Chilli… :009: Bring it on…
You are wise not to venture out on the bike, until the temperature goes above 10 degrees C mine will be staying in the summer house. I thought I might give the exercise bike some work, but in the absence of a wardrobe for all Mrs Foxes stuff, she’s got it hanging on the handlebars…And still she come home with more stuff…Our house is getting like a subsidiary of the Oxfam shop…


Just back from the hospital about my eyes. Good news they have not deteriated in the last year even having glaucoma and cataract. Also didn’t ask about driving so got away with that, although I have been told ok ate the opticians.
Hastings on one side of where we live had snow,so did the other side just past Eastbourne. Where I am has its own micro climate protected by each or these sides. Although very cold no snow, just a frosty morning


Microclimates are good stuff. I once lived in lush little area in Hawaii where we had loads of rain and jungle-like growth and a mere five miles away, the climate was arid desert with cactus growing wild.


This is the first cat that I have heard of that doesn’t prefer to bury its poo (and therefore use a tray). Much as I hate picking up dogs poo from the garden cat’s is worse.

Indeed it does and it can be done from anywhere on the world, never mind Australia. I have never worked in an office except briefly when I worked in GPO planning department as an apprentice. Even worse, I mostly worked in a noisy environment over 110db which didn’t do my hearing any favours.

I fear that is what will kill my driving licence, I have to have an optician’s certificate each year to keep my licence. I don’t have glaucoma but am checked for it because my father had it, I do have cataracts but the day they need attention I will pay to have them done privately (no waiting).

Keep meaning to go to the RTA and get my truck licence removed - less stringent eye test for car licence, it’s not like I ever drive a truck these days.

Where I live the escarpment is remnant rain forest even though the area is a temperate climate, great place to wander.

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In mid-typing this morning, I received a text that an old friends were in town, so I dropped everything to meet them for brunch. The weather was terrible - cold rain - but the conversation and catching up was thoroughly enjoyable.

With that, I am about to cook dinner.

Sometimes the days just fly!

Have a good evening (if you are still awake)!

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Ha Ha it is mid morning Saturday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sort of…