Good morning on yet another overcast day with temps only in the mid 20s. Supposed to get some rain today and a flood warning has been issued but so far any rain has passed well to the north of me. In the last 24 hours have only had 9mm.
Kept waking up during the night for some inexplicable reason, it might be because this rain has meant I am not doing much so am not getting tired enough. Whatever the reason it is very annoying.
The bin man cameth, which might be the highlight of my day, I hope not.
I received a message from youngest son telling me that he (and GF) have arrived safely in Darwin and are staying in serviced apartments until they get their house on the 13th. I think she starts work this weekend as a paramedic, not sure when he starts his new job but doubtless any day.
He is basically driving experimental sea going drones about the northern parts of Australia, all done from a laptop in an office in Darwin.
Meanwhile in the temperate zone… whenever there is a lull in the weather I try to get out in the garden messing about with my rainwater tanks. I want to get the pump out to fill the higher tank but the rain is making that difficult (electric pump) and any rain that falls at the moment is going to waste.
Not a very exciting day for me I hope you are doing better. What do you have planned?
Take care…